Information Update 4/25/24

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SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover - April 25, 2024

Good Morning San Diego by Katie Ott – As you may have heard, first year official, Katie Ott was interviewed on Good Morning San Diego and managed to get a “plug” in for recruiting new officials, especially female officials!  That quick clip from the full interview is now on our SDCFOA member’s page.  It’s easily found on our website under Official News.  We’re asking all Facebook users to share Katie’s post to the public.  We did the same thing with our 2023 Recruitment Message, and it was shared by 32 members and reached over 52,000 friends!  Please share it today!  Thank you.
Registration – It is now the end of the Month and some officials wait until May 1st to send in their membership.  This totally understood and we just want to remind everyone that May 1st is this Wednesday so now is a great time to register.  The Board is attempting to create as many solid crews as possible.  We had 25 crews last year and would like to expand up to 30 this year if we have enough qualified officials to expand.  So, don’t forget to register at
George Schutte’s “Food for Thought” – The former founder of our current instructional program would always challenge us with a rules question under the topic “Food for Thought.”  How about these two related plays?  Tip:  One is without, and one is with, a change of possession.
PLAY 1: Second and 15 at Team A’s five-yard line. A2 drops back to pass, and is sacked five yards deep in the end zone by B8 who makes the tackle by twisting A2’s face mask.
RULING: The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot. It will be first and 10 from the A-20.
PLAY 2: Punt receiver R1 catches the ball at his nine-yard line, circles back into the end zone, and is tackled there. During R1’s run, K6 commits a personal foul, either in the field of play or in the end zone.
RULING: Since the run ended behind the goal line resulting in a safety, Team K is penalized 15 yards from the goal line. Team R will put the ball in play at their 15-yard line, first and 10.