Rule and Case Book

2025 Materials

2024 Materials

See Older Rules Handouts

2023 Youth Football Rules 

The two San Diego County Football Conferences (San Diego and Palomar) are governed by two different groups. San Diego (South County) is now American Youth Football and they will use the National High School Federation Rule Book as modified by the American Youth Football Rules below. Palomar (North County) is still associated with Pop Warner. Although their coaches have the Pop Warner Rule Book, they still use the modifications set forth below.

Ejection Procedures for Youth Football

Youth Ejection Report

Youth Ejection Cheat Sheet

Sideline Decorum

Mechanics Manual

The Mechanics Manual was first published in 2018. It has everything you need to know about required uniforms and equipment, game administration, chain crew, and clock operator instructions. It covers 3, 4, and 5 person mechanics as well as the philosophies to elevate the standards of officiating. The individuals from the past and present have provided guidance for the many lessons learned and passed down from generation to generation.

Most Referee's are using Sennheiser SK 100 G4 / EK 100 G4 series (the set with both transmitter and reciever, plus a lapel mic and XLR and Aux connectors is marketed as EW 112P G4-A).

Referees with this system (reach out if you have questions): Rob Schaerer, Ted Schiess, Joe Magnuson, Brian Bortness, Mark Halby, Mike Andrews, Robert Bezverkov.

SK/EK 100 G4 Package suggested settings: Reciever: Squelch=Med; AF Out about -12 (go higher if too quiet). Transmitter: Sensitivity about -18 or -21 to start (go closer to -30 if feedback) Or see column F for what worked in the past.

Matt Starr has the Shure QLXD14 (H50 Band) with a Shure WL 85 lavalier mic. Also, at Guitar Center. Will need to purchase a 10-foot XLR cable (Amazon). Optional WA661 mute switch.

Steve Coover purchased the Sennheiser XS Wireless 2 Lavalier Set XSW 2-ME2 for $479 at Sam Ash in College Grove. Also 6 ft. XLR cable. I also bought a Sennheiser RMS 2 L Mute Switch for Lavalier Microphone with Toggle Switch for $279.

List of SDCFOA Schools and Wireless Microphone Systems