Information Update 6/14/24

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SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover - June 14th, 2024

Don't Forget to Recruit - A little over 3-weeks until we start the 2024 Season.  Opening General Meeting is Wednesday July 10th at 7:00 pm at Mira Mesa High School.  Bring a friend, family member or co-worker with you.  Or better yet, have them sign up and pay on-line at  Our very best new officials come from referrals by current officials!  Thank you! - Steve 

Latest from the Coaches Preseason Meetings – The following were discussed and clarified for coaches:
Timer and Chain Crew needed 30-minutes prior to the game – They are asking and appreciating your patience as not all crews and timers arrive promptly.  When we get angry with the school personnel, it does nothing to correct the situation and gets the game off on an emotional “first step.”
Aiding the Runner – Clarification was provided.  Both hands on the QB/runner and pushing is a foul.  One hand on the QB/runner and one hand on the pile is questionable situation where our “Officiating Standard” is that the teammate is pushing the pile.  No foul.
Wireless Microphones for the Referee – The advantages to the use of the wireless microphone were communicated as was the fact that up to 25 crews will be attempting to hook up their systems before games.  An IT assistant might help the referee and the school.  Also, a school purchasing their own system would be superior to each crew hooking up their own system.
Heat Index – Schools will be assessing the “heat/humidity” factor and will be adjusting practices and even games if the Index is above the CIF limits.  Lightning may also be measured by this system, and we will have additional guidance from the school administration should we get into a lightning postponement.
The following Interpretations from NFHS clarified the 2023 Rule for enforcements from previous spot and/or from the end of the run or related run (initially termed incorrectly “succeeding spot” fouls).
PLAY 1: A first and 10 on A’s 40. The runner runs to B’s 40, where he fumbles the ball forward and out of bounds at B’s 30. During the run (before the fumble), A11 commits a holding foul at B’s 38.
RULING: The holding penalty is enforced from the end of the run (B’s 40 - the fumble spot). A first and 10 at the 50.
PLAY 2: A first and 10 on A’s 40. The runner runs to B’s 40, where he fumbles the ball forward and out of bounds at B’s 30. During the run, B18 commits a face mask foul anywhere on the field.
RUL ING: The penalty for illegal face mask is enforced from the end of the run (B’s 40 - fumble spot). A first and 10 on B’s 25.
PLAY 3: A first and 10 on A’s 40. The runner runs to B’s 40, where he fumbles the ball forward and B RECOVERS at B’s 30. During the run, B11 commits a face mask foul anywhere on the field.
RULING: The penalty for illegal face mask is enforced from the end of the run (B’s 40 - fumble spot). A first and 10 on B’s 25.
2023 NFHS Football Case Book Clarification: Page 75, 9.2.1 SITUATION J: On a successful try for point by kick, the interior linemen of K all reached across and grasped the teammate immediately to their inside after the snap. RULING: Interlocked blocking, 10-yard penalty from the previous spot.