Weekly Bull 11/11/24

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Make Up Meeting - SDCFOA Make Up Meeting this Wednesday Nov 11, 2024 7:00 PM.  Dave Garza will be hosting the meeting as I will be at the NFHS Organizational Meeting.  Dave will be reviewing this Bull and going over some game film and instructional video.  Here is the Zoom Meeting Information if you need to attend this meeting to make the required number of meetings.
Meeting ID: 836 4748 1342
Passcode: 868218
One tap mobile
Week #2 of the Playoffs – This year’s games are proving to be extremely competitive.  Have you reviewed the overtime procedure?  Work hard, prepare, and focus on every play.  One team advances, and one team ends their season so the stakes are extraordinarily high!  We must be at our absolute best on each play.  Work as a crew…then celebrate afterwards as a crew!
Wilson Football – Wilson footballs (any type of Wilson football) must be used every snap of the playoffs.
Playoff Film – Thank you for your patience as I was able to get game film from every team that is advancing in the playoffs so the crews have at least one film from their game last Friday.  Thank you to all of the winning team coaches!.  So far the coaches are being very accommodating at their busiest of times!
Referee Microphones – We have been given permission to purchase wireless microphones for every referee next year.  We will have some off season training and debriefs with the crew chiefs as we learn how to best connect to a school’s system.  One game our crew didn’t have one and all kinds of screwy things were happening and we couldn’t explain to the fans what was going on.  We hope that soon many more schools will have their own systems and just provide the school’s system for the crews to use.  That way, we won’t have them fearing us trying to connect our systems with their PA equipment.
Pre-Game Warm Up – Please be alert for teams attempting to intimidate their opponents during the warmup period.  We are on the field 45-minutes prior to the kickoff just for that purpose.
A Head Coach Comes to Our Rescue!– A report from a crew this week was that during the first half of their game this week, a fan was getting very personal with the officials, in a very ugly way.  At halftime the head coach asked the crew if they were all right, and they shared their misery.  That head coach had the crew identity the fan for him and called the fan down to the fence and let him have it!  Needless to say, that was the end of that fan’s criticisms of the officials.  I don’t want to possibly embarrass the school so I won’t identify them here, but that coach gets this Bulletin and the SDCFOA owes you a huge THANK YOU!
Celebrations – I believe we’ve been very consistent with penalizing excessive and choreographed celebrations this year.  Please continue to tolerate the spontaneous celebrations of big plays and TDs.  We know the difference between a quick and excited player’s celebration vs a delayed, excessive or prolonged act by which a player attempts to focus attention upon himself.  And of course, nothing choreographed.  Thank you.
The Top Spots at the Golf Tourney – Thank you Ed Blick for putting on a great tourney.  First Place at 15 under par: Miles Bailey, Brian Mills, Corey Butts, Kyle Anderson.  Second Place at 10 under par:  Mike Duggan, Jace Carlson, Chris Wiggins, David Reyes.  Third Place at 9 under par: Steve Coover, David Collins, Blair Havens, Eric Turner
Game Check Weekend & Golf Tourny Results – I don’t have the exact numbers but we outdid our fundraising totals from last year!  Mike Downing will give us a report at out general meeting in July but we did an outstanding job.  You are all most generous!

Payment of Officials for the 2023 Football Playoffs - Per the CIF Football Championship Bulletin, "The CIF-SDS will pay the officials for all playoff contests."  Consequently, schools will not be paying officials in any round of the playoffs.  Payment from the CIF - SDS may not be made until the end of the championship tournament as many officials are working multiple games and it is more efficient for the section office to make just one total payment at the first of December.

Preliminary Rounds: 
            1 Referee @ $155                  4 Officials @ $153
Semifinal Round: 
            1 Referee @ $155                  6 Officials @ $153
            Chain Crew: 3 @ $50
            1 Referee @ $170                  7 Officials @ 160
            Chain Crew: 3 @ $70
            Clock Operator: 1 @ $70
Ejections – If a player is disqualified during a playoff game, the same reporting requirements exist.  Please notify Steve Coover if an ejection occurs during your game. 
Championship Games – We will again have a hospitality section in the EZs at Southwestern and Snapdragon.  Snacks and drinks will be available.  Reminder – they do charge for parking at both venues.  Working officials, chain crew members, and the timers will be receiving free passes for parking (no reserved spots or location) and credentials for access for your game day only. You will get them at the 7-Person Mechanics Workshop on 11/20.
7-Person Mechanics Workshop Wednesday November 20th at 7:00 pm at Mira Mesa High School Library – This is a mandatory meeting for all officials, and alternate officials, who are assigned a 7-man semifinal or 7-man final.  Chain crew members and timers do not attend.  Open Division Semifinal games will take place this Friday, November 15th, prior to November 20th, so you must conduct your own pre-game and prepare your crew for that important game.  The Open Division finals crew is expected to attend this meeting and to pick up your passes.  The 8-Man finals crew is excused from attending this meeting.  Our 7-Person Mechanics Manual is posted on our website.