Weekly Bull 7/26/23


Reminders from Mike Carey – Here are a few of Mike’s words from his 2016 presentation to our association.  I’m sure you’ll find them still relevant for your goal setting this year!
Improvement comes with hard work.  There are no short cuts.
You must have a passion for the game – otherwise the hard work is too hard.
We must support each other and work hard on behalf of our fellow officials and our crew.
It’s all about the 2 hours on the field.  Be prepared…then enjoy it!
All 1st Year and 2nd Year/Transfer  Officials – You will be meeting again this Wednesday at Mira Mesa High School at 7:00pm.  When we get to the scrimmages we will start meeting every other week.  But hang in there as we must get you ready to go on the field in August!
Referee and Umpire Clinic – This Wednesday 7:00 pm on Zoom.  Don’t miss the latest from Garth DeFelice (NFL) and Michael Mothershed (PAC12) talking about their respective positions and how to best work as a team!  Please remember to have your instructor mark your attendance sheet giving you credit for clinic attendance.  You also get credit if you watch the video when it is posted to the website, if you can’t make it live. 
Zoom Meeting – https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84634497377?pwd=djZqNG1ZcEF2aXpyaFItNVZzbEFLZz09
Meeting ID: 846 3449 7377
Passcode: 7560936
NOTE: Please join via PC/MAC/Tablet.  Screen share presentation will be used in this meeting.
Dial-in - 213-338-8477
La Costa Canyon 7-on-7 – Your work was outstanding and much appreciated by the coaches and schools.  Payment is on the way!  Thank you for your patience. 
Film from Scrimmages – These are a real challenge for me to get.  Again, I’ll do my very best to get you your film so you can conduct a self-evaluation of your crew’s work and your individual work.  And please forward the film to anyone who was in attendance.  All 2nd year and transfers have been added to all five conferences.
Wilson Football – It will be mandatory for all schools to use a Wilson football during the playoffs.  Any Wilson football will do, and it must be used on every down.
Q Collar and Guardian Caps – These two safety items have been ruled legal by the NFHS and may be worn in games.  The Q Collar is worn around the neck and is meant to lessen the risk from concussions.  The Guardian Cap has the same purpose but is a cap worn over the shell of the helmet.  Both are legal to be worn in a game.
Calibration Results – Dave Garza has these results posted on the website.  www.sdcfoa.org  How did you do?
HUDL Video – If you are new to our Association, you will quickly discover that we are extensive users of video and have chosen the HUDL software for this purpose.  The HUDL video can be found at www.hudl.com.  If you are new to HUDL, you will be sent an email message from HUDL which will allow you to log in and then will direct you to change the temporary password.  You will be receiving a weekly instructional video with approximately 10 plays.  Plus, every other week, you will receive a few Calibration Plays which will challenge your judgement and rules knowledge.  It is expected that you will watch and study each of these instructional videos and participate in the calibration process.
Fitness - Scrimmages are two weeks away!  You want to look good out there so update your uniform, tailor those pants, and keep up your fitness routine. Don’t forget to hydrate in this heat starting the day before the scrimmage and provide time for your stretching routine to prevent injury.
Dave Melton and Frank Mannen to be Inducted into the San Diego County Sports Officials Hall of Fame – The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will take place Tuesday, September 26th at 6:00 pm at the Admiral Baker Golf Course.  Please join us in celebrating both of these hall of fame football officials and their contributions to officiating.  You may purchase tickets on the website at https://www.sandiegosportsofficialshof.com  Credit cards will be accepted on the website.  Let’s fill up the room with football officials and have the kind of celebration these two deserve!
San Diego CIF 25-Yardline Overtime Procedures - is mandatory for all varsity games in San Diego County CIF (varsity level only!).  There are no options.  Any varsity game for any sized division, must use the 25-yardline tiebreaker when the game ends in a tie score at the end of regulation. The result will be a win or a loss.  The procedure can be found on our website under RULES.   No changes to the procedure.
Out-of-Town Teams – When a team from out-of-town comes to San Diego to play, they are playing by the CIDSDS rules.  That includes mandatory overtime.  If a team were to refuse to play overtime it would simply be reported to me and I would inform CIF who would award a “win” to the SD team (I assume).  Teams from out of CA may also be surprised that we have a Mercy Rule in CA, and that a player who exhibits signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion is disqualified for the remainder of the game.  Those are the 1- SD and 2 - CA possible differences.  They may be included into your pre-game meeting with the coach.
When Does a Team Get to Choose Where the Ball is Placed?  – Prior to the ready-for-play, the offense may designate the spot between the hash marks: For a try; kickoff; following a safety; following a fair catch or awarded fair catch; touchback, and start of each new series in overtime.
Quick Tips for Communicating with Head Coaches:
Never, never, never ignore a coach’s request.  You may have to inform the coach that you will have to wait a play or two to get the information to the other officials, but never ignore!
Make eye contact. A coach wants to be assured that he has you attention.
Avoid “squaring off with the coach” rather, turn your body slightly at an angle.
Refer to the coach as “Coach” or “Coach Jones”.
Keep your communication brief and formal.
Avoid joking and sarcasm.
Adopt a neutral tone and avoiding any personal remarks.
Stick to the issue at hand in a straightforward way.
Ask them to help with problem players. Be sure to identify the problem in explicit terms, without making the player to be an evil person. Sometimes it’s hard to do, but it can be accomplished with a careful choice of language.
Remember: get used to the coach having the last say.  This will most likely end the conversation.
Remain calm under all circumstances. Let coaches have their say. When a coach approaches to protest or argue, adopt an instant “listening mode” and let the aggrieved individual finish his remarks. Don’t interrupt.
Use non-confrontational body language. To be aware of body posture, facial expression, head tilt and arm position, one must say, “I am going to appear receptive and contemplative. I can think best and measure my words that way. I am determined to not escalate the problem.”
If you make a mistake, admit it. A simple apology is sufficient; do not elaborate or rationalize (i.e. make excuses)
When a coach raises their voice, lower yours. A soft voice has a way of triggering a reciprocal soft reply.
Support fellow officials. Never betray partners by showing that you doubt their judgment. Instead indicate faith in someone else’s decision by saying the partner had a better view of a more favorable angle than the responding official or partner.
Give praises to promote sportsmanship. When a coach makes a gesture of consideration for the opponents or towards the official, be sure to acknowledge it. Sometimes a smile and nod of the head are enough.
Keep your ego under control. Often a mere glance will carry a significant message, whether it’s negative or positive, whether it is meant to curtail dialogue or to encourage it. A quizzical expression can signal a desire for additional input, whereas a frown may denote closure.
Don’t use your hands when talking to a coach. Your gestures will reveal more than you’ll want to convey.
“Our primary job is to be the integrity of the game.  It is a player’s game, it is a coach’s game, it is a fan’s game and we are there to support the sense of fair play!” Tony Corrente, NFL Referee

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