Weekly Bull 7/5/23 Part 1

Welcome Back SDCFOA! -  We will be meeting this Wednesday, July 5th at Mira Mesa High School - 10510 Marauder Way, San Diego 92126.  We will be meeting in the Theater which is in the center of the campus starting at 7:00 pm.  Your packets will be available outside the Theater starting at 5:30 pm so avoid the rush and get there early.  If you have someone who is going to sign up on Wednesday, Terry Thompson will be at a table outside the Theater to sign up any new or returning members.  Crew Chiefs and Instructors will meet at 6:00 pm in the Theater to kick off the instructional program for the year so all crew chiefs, developmental crew chiefs, instructors and NCAA officials should be in the Theater by 6:00 pm.

The SDCFOA New Official Adviser Program - The SDCFOA is launching a brand new adviser program dedicated to making new members feel welcome and a part of the SDCFOA family.  Veteran members will be paired with newer members to provide insight into the finer points of officiating, to help provide a clear path to becoming successful for year to come, and as a familiar face to seek advice and ask questions.  The goal of the program is to connect members, but it will be up to each pairing to decide how to make the most of the opportunity.  Activities in the program can include the new official shadowing the adviser's crew for a varsity game, working a youth Saturday together, one-on-one meetings/calls/texts, adviser sharing their crew's cut-up with the new official, and anything else that can be helpful.  You will hear more about this new program at the General Meeting this Wednesday night at Mira Mesa HS.

Weekly Bull for 7/5/23 -  The Bull is attached and it is each officials responsibility to read it and be familiar with its contents prior to the meetings on Wednesday nights.  Crews are also responsible for reviewing the important, relevant portions in their pre-game.

SDCFOA Summer Rules Study Questions and Answers #76 - #100 - Here are the final 25 questions with their answers.  It is important that you are familiar with these as you may see them on the Qualifying Exam in Augus

SDCFOA Weekly Bull 7 5 23 Part 1
Word – 24.7 KB 246 downloads
Weekly Bull 7 5 23
Word – 53.0 KB 246 downloads
2023 SDCFOA Rules Summer Study 76 100
PDF – 542.1 KB 249 downloads