Weekly Bull 8/28/24

Weekly Bull 8 28 24 Docx
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No Meetings This Week -  Please use this opportunity to view video and meet with your crew in an effort to get even better week #1 to Week #2.  I say this every year, the improvement in our performance between week #1 and week #2 is the largest that will see all season, and I’m talking about officials, players, coaches, and game administrators.  Week #1 is our first test.  Week #2 we step up.  Work hard this week!
Player Sent Out For Equipment – When a player is sent out for illegal or improper equipment, they must stay out for one play (unless it is the during the last play before halftime or before overtime).  A coach may not call time out and get the player back into the game.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct – We suggest that referees communicate all UNS fouls directly to the head coach so that the information is clear and all questions are answered.  A second UNS is a disqualification by rule so make sure of your calls!
Onside Kicks – When we go into Short Free Kick Mechanics, remember the official covering the receiver’s restraining line has the ball if it is kicked to him/her.  The other officials rule on the legality of the blocks.  Remember, the basic spot may, at the option of the offended team, be the succeeding spot for fouls by the kickers during a legal FREE or scrimmage kick down.  So if the kicking team first touches the free kick before it has gone 10-yards and also commits an illegal block, the receiving team may choose to take the ball at first touching AND have the 10-yard penalty “tacked on”. Is incorrect.

Rule 6-1-7 states in part…” The right of R to take the ball at the spot of first touching is cancelled…if the penalty is accepted for any foul committed during the down.”  The receiving team will have to decline the foul by the kicking team for the illegal block if they want to take the ball at the spot of first touching.  Or they could accept the foul by the kicking team for the illegal block and penalize the kicking team 10-yards from the previous spot – re-kick.  Again, thank you for catching my error and great demonstration of your rules knowledge!

Tim Podraza and Danny Short – Very proud moment for the San Diego County Football Officials Association when two of the preseason games are refereed by San Diego officials.  Tim Podraza worked the second half of the Chargers vs Cowboys, and Danny Short did the same for the Washington vs Patriots game.  Congratulations Tim and Danny, and congratulations San Diego!
Drones – A drone appeared at halftime and was flying outside the field area behind the stands.  If seen in the stadium area, the game must be stopped, and the drone taken down…even if the drone is tethered to something in the endzone.
Visitors at Games – If you are visiting a game and observing a crew do not follow the chain crew and head linesman through the team box. Stay out of any team box area and do not communicate with coaches or game administrators.  Please observe the game from the stands, or if allowed on the field, from the sideline outside the team box and outside of the white restricted area or dashed restraining line. If you want to change ends of the field walk around the team box. 
Uniforms – Initial reports are very good, both in our consistency in enforcing, and in the player’s and coach’s efforts to comply.  Keep up the great work and let me know of any issues.
Adornment – Towels must be at least 4 inches wide up to a maximum of 18 inches wide.  No streamers.  Use your game card which is approximately 4” wide to best determine the width of the skinny towels.  Must be a solid color…any color will be legal.  No bicep, neck, or leg bands. No jewelry or war painting of the face, and no symbols including crosses.  Shoes/ankles taped to prevent injury (spats) allowed.
Time Outs, Quarter Changes, and Period Between PAT and Kickoff – The standard is one minute from the end of the signal for time out, end of quarter, or successful/or not PAT to the ready-for-play signal.  Flanks, it all rests on your work to get your teams out.  Be active and assertive.
Penalties Assessed on Kick Offs -  Back Judges do not march off penalty.  Do not signal penalty and then march it off. Go directly to the spot where the ball is to be kicked.  Put the ball on the ground. Signal foul from this location.  Hand ball to the kicker (don’t toss it).
Halftime and Post-Game Debrief – Follow a template or you will immediately fall into the old discussion of favorite/hot topic plays. Stick with the list!
Chain Crew
Head Coaches and Sidelines
Foul Report - Mechanics, Communication, Rules, Philosophy
Interesting Plays & Players (play makers, on-the-edge, warnings, what haven’t we seen yet?
What does this game need?  Blow out?  Overtime?
Review Game Goals
Logging Fouls –Find a way.  Make this a crew or personal goal.  Or get someone to log fouls for the crew!  Don’t forget to send your foul log to Robert Bezverkov.

Lightening - From the NFHS Rule Book – From the back of the Rule Book – Include game administration in any decision making:
When thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning strike is seen, the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.  Suspend play and take shelter immediately.
Thirty minute rule.  Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play.
Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30 minute count, reset the clock and another 30 minute count should begin.
California State Mercy Rule - At the conclusion of the third quarter or any point thereafter, if there is a point differential of 35 or more points, a running clock shall be instituted for the remainder of the game regardless of the score.  The game clock shall stop only for a score, a free kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch, a charged team timeout, a coach-referee conference or an official’s timeout.  This bylaw applies to all levels of play.
Overtime Rules – Review these rules each week! We’re posting it up on our website at www.sdcfoa.org.
Video – We are getting a great response from our coaches and our crews are doing a great job with the cut ups.  I cannot keep up with all of the requests for my opinion, but I will keep trying!  It’s my job!  Thank you for sharing so many great and challenging plays.  We will use them as best we can, especially in the calibration session of our meeting. 
Plays at the Pylon – The goal line extended is offered if the runner is still in contact with the ground (foot down inbounds and extends the ball beyond the goal line but outside the pylon – if foot is down inbounds at the same time – Touchdown!  If the runner is airborne, then there is no goal line extended.  The airborne runner must then extend the ball beyond the goal line inside the pylon OR touch the pylon (if properly placed) because the ball is considered to have broken the plane of the goal line prior to the touching of the pylon.
Unsportsmanlike Fouls -
• "In your face"; standing or bending over an opponent.
• Comments that are racist, ethnic or demeaning.
• Gestures toward an opponent, coaches or opponent's sideline.
• Throat slash.
• Demonstrate violence such as six guns or machine gun.
• “Excessive” celebrations or protests Being demonstrative after making an exceptional play or score is accepted as long as it's a spontaneous burst of energy that's not prolonged, clearly self-congratulatory or makes a mockery of the game.

Observation on Equipment – Clearly we’re now getting outstanding support from our coaches, the CIF section offices, and officials associations in having players on the field properly equipped.  Top high school games this weekend on TV showed players from Centennial and Mater Dei properly equipped, as were the teams playing in Florida.  Congratulations to the players and coaches at those two schools and to the Orange County and Inland Empire Officials Associations.  Way to start this successful effort from the very beginning of the season!