Weekly Bull 8/30/23

Meeting This Wednesday – We will all meet at Mira Mesa High School at 7:00pm.  Crew Chief meeting beforehand at 6:00pm.  We have much to discuss and information to share at this meeting so see you at the meeting!
Pre-Game Checklist – Attached is a checklist courtesy of Scott Carroll.  The best two pre-games I was ever a participant in were John Ferguson and Bob Bahne.  Both were business-like and to-the-point.  Take from Scott’s template and make it your own.
Point Loma Parking – Good luck!  Between the construction and the school being let out at 3:30, you might be parking in Ocean Beach for a 3:30 or 4:00 game!
Have Your Uniform With You in Your Car – If you always have your uniform with you in your car, you will be able to accept a last second assignment from Tom Ables.  We also have the story of Bill Hammett getting injured in a CIF playoff game, and all of a sudden Jace Carlson is the new back judge (upgrade?) hahahha  Jace had his uniform in the car!
Uniform During Hot Weather – This topic hasn’t been discussed in a while and the Board and Mechanics Committee will be looking at, and discussing, our current policy.  Until then, no changes to our policy.  Stay tuned. 
Jake Gromback Update – Many of you remember Jake from his excellent work in our Association.  Well, he is now on a crew in the Southern Conference working teams like Furman, Chattanooga, and Samford.  And now  you can no see him working an SEC game!  Jake will be the Center Judge for the U Mass at Auburn game!  Good luck Jake!
Rules and Mechanics Test Results – Everyone’s results for these two tests will be on the attendance roster so make sure yours is recorded properly and that you’ve been marked present for all the clinics you’ve attended or viewed on-line and that your attendance has been recorded properly.  So far we are looking outstanding in all of these requirements!
9/11 Remembrances or Special Ceremonies – I know I’m planning ahead but If there is something organized in remembrance of 9/11 we will work with the home team coach and administration to make every effort to adjust the kick off time accordingly.  Once a kick off time is agree upon the officiating crew is responsible for seeing that the kick off occurs on time!  Again, we will work with the teams and game management on this please.  Thank you!
Looking Ahead - Board Meeting Before the 6/13 Regular Meeting 5:30 pm – There will be a regularly scheduled board meeting at 5:30 in room 714.  The board will select the officers for the 2024 season, discuss the SDCFOA Overtime Award, and consider amendments to the CIF Championship Assignment Policy and the Instructional Chair’s duties.  There will also be an update on the further development of our website to include association archives.
Topic for Crew Chief Meeting -
After the ball is ready for play and before the snap begins, no false start shall be made by any A player. It is a false start if:
A shift or feigned charge simulates action at the snap.
Any act is clearly intended to cause B to encroach.
Any a player on his line between the snapper and the player on the end of the line, after having placed a hand(s) on or near the ground, moves his hand(s) or makes any QUICK movement.
So, if they all slowly move back up to look over to the sideline and don’t’ break the plane of the neutral zone, is it legal?
Automatic UNS - For your consideration and for consistency purposes, here is the list taken from the CCA Manual for colleges:
Splitting on an opponent (plus ejection)
Throat slash
Demonstrations of violence, such as "six guns" or "machine guns"
Removal of helmet to celebrate or protest.
Heisman pose
Gestures with a sexual connotation
Somersault or flip
High step
Dunking the ball over the crossbar
Spinning the ball (not in a subtle manner which might just be a warning)
Throwing the ball high into the air (again not in a subtle manner which could be a delay penalty or warning)
Injury Time Outs – If necessary, the referee may grant an official’s time out for an apparently injured player.  If granted, that player shall be replaced for one down.  If we grant an official’s time out then players could go to the sidelines and confer with the coaching staff just as they do for an authorized time out (if time permits).  The flanks will then see to it that both teams are back on the field and ready to play when the injured athlete leaves the playing area.
Officials Using Radios – The use of official-to-official (020) radios is now encouraged but not mandatory. The use of radios provides our crews with the opportunity to improve crew communication, both within the crew and with our respective sidelines, coaches, game timers, foul recorders, etc.  But the overuse of the radios can lead to a serious decrease in the proper signaling by officials.  A protocol has been established to guide our officials and crews in the proper use of the radios, and to prevent their overuse.  The use of O2O’s in a game does NOT replace the proper use of hand signals of the crew.
Dead Ball
Communication with opposite flanks to inform opposite coach of challenging players, issues with formations, and answer other questions from opposite coach.
Request assistance from referee, umpire or opposite flank in regard to improving legal formations or assisting with challenging players.
Very helpful in communicating directly with the play clock operator when you need to reset the game clock (if you have enough radios).
BACK JUDGE / LINE JUDGE may instruct the referee to wind or hack the play/game clock whenever necessary (does not take the place of hand signals to the referee as well).
BACK JUDGE / LINE JUDGE will use the radio and his whistle to signal officials and teams of the end of time out periods.
Absolutely no radio use at this time.
Penalty Enforcement
Absolutely no use of the radio to report the actual foul to the referee.
After using preliminary signals or verbally communicating the foul to the referee, the radio may be used to communicate the number of the offending player to the referee.
Communication of all foul information to the opposite flank to share with the head coach is encouraged.
Game Film – When I send out the game film, I’m assuming that the crew is the Referee’s crew.  I simply do not have the time to examine every assignment to make sure the right individuals are getting the game film.  So, referees are to make sure that, if it’s not your crew or you have a fill in, that you share the film with the individuals who worked the game with you.  Conversely, if you worked on a game and did not get a game film, please check with your referee to see if he got the film and can share with you.
Plays at the Goal Line – We’ve had some exciting and close plays at the goal line.  The first key for officials is to be in proper position at the goal line.  The umpire should never block the goal line view of either of the flanks…stay off the goal line.  The back judge should be at the goal line on long runs or long passes completed in the field of play.  Otherwise, the back judge must go to the end line.  Our flanks must use proper goal line mechanics and be off the pylon at the goal line (2-3 yards).  These proper mechanics will place us in the best position to make the correct call.
Battlefield-to-Ballfields – Thank you to Joe Magnuson for his leadership and organization of our B2B mentors.  I know these new officials will benefit greatly from all of your efforts and support.  Thank you, MENTORS!
Concentration – Please review the importance of concentrating the entire game!  Sometimes we get lulled into comfort and unconscious complacency.  We don’t mean to do this, it just happens after 178 good plays by the crew.  But remember, you could be facing 10 seconds of sheer terror on the next play!  As a crew, remind your crewmates to focus on each play through constant communication, even chatter.  It can help “wake us up” for a critical, game changing play!
Food for Thought – UNS on offense after a scoring play.  Team B chooses to enforce it on the succeeding KO.  Then, on a successful PAT, Team B roughs the kicker.  What are Team A’s options? 
From George Schutte –
“The game of football deserves and demands the best of officiating at all times.”
“Know when to concentrate and when to relax, but keep your head in the game at all times.”
“You must be aware of the stress in the game of football.  It is a highly competitive, body-contact sport.  The players, coaches, and fans are all under considerable strain.”

Weekly Bull 8 30 23
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SDCFOA 2023 Check List CREW
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