Weekly Bull Flag 7/31/24

Flag Weekly Bull 7 31 24 Docx
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Yes, I will begin sending out Weekly Bulletins for flag football.  We are ramping up our communication and professionalism as this CIF sanctioned sport takes root and greatly expands!  We will gradually get quite comfortable with these rules as an Association, and you will find 5 questions on flag mechanics on this week's SDCFOA Mechanics Exam.  Enjoy and I hope this is helpful. - Steve

Hello Flag Football Coaches and ADs - One of the ways tackle football and the officials association works well together is via a weekly Bulletin.  In these bulletins, I will share rules, interpretations, and points of emphasis throughout the season.  I hope you find these helpful.  If not, there's always the delete button!   Thank you! - Steve Coover, Instructional Chair and CIF Football Rules Interpreter, San Diego County Football Officials Association (619) 921-3006 cooversteve@gmail.com
Am I Emailing the Correct Person - Please check this email list to see that I am emailing the appropriate head coach and athletic director for your school.  Am I missing anyone?  Please check for accuracy.
Conference Meetings - Tome Ables and I have covered meetings with the North County, Metro, and City Conference schools.  Some of the meetings have overlapped and made our attendance quite challenging.  We will try to better coordinate our attendance next year.
New Rule Book for 2024 - The CIF State Rule Book is attached just in case you want to share with others who might be interested.  This is our rule book and it will guide our game for the 2024 season.  I will highlight some of its contents in the coming weeks.  Every official has received a copy and they will be tested on its contents and the use of proper, consistent mechanics prior to the beginning of the season.
The Field - The field will be 40-yard wide by 80-yards in length.  It does not matter if you slide the field down and use one of the tackle football endzones or go from the 10-yard line to the 10-yard line.  The use of pylons and yard markers is strongly recommended.  Place the yard markers at the (G) goal line, 20-yard line, 40-yard line, 20-yard line and the (G) goal line on both sidelines.  For the width of the field, the CIF Rules state:  When space is limited  a. Width: 30 yards minimum to 40 yards maximum (Fields may be up to 45 yards in width if there is a permanent marking on the field such as a Lacrosse boundary that provides a permanent visible line to be used as the sideline).  So for the regular season you may choose to go from the home sideline to the visitor's hash marks (35-yards) or from the home sideline to the top of the visitor's numbers (45-yards).  For all CIF playoff games, the field width will be marked at exactly 40-yards.
Flags - Again, from the rule book - no more need for a third flag: 
  1) A one-piece flag belt without any knots. 
2) One flag on each hip (2 flags total) 
3) Flag size is 2” wide by 15”length. (A flag with no more than 5% variability will be legal) 
4) Flags MUST be removable from the belt.
 5) All “pop” flags must be designated by the manufacturer to be for YOUTH. Any flag designated by the manufacturer to be an “adult” pop flag will be illegal.  
CIF Girls' Flag Pre-Season Meeting - The CIF Commissioners will host a Zoom meeting this evening at 6:00 pm for all Conference Administrators, Conference Advisors and the officials association.  Any important clarifications or illuminations will be shared by your Conference representative or in my Weekly Bulletin next week.