Rule 10, Case 10

Quiz / Scenarios

1. K16 punts from the K-30. While the ball is in the air, R45 holds K23 at the 50. R29 catches the punt at the R-30 and returns it to the K-40. The penalty is accepted.

Answer: C

2. During a legal scrimmage kick, a kicker commits a blind side block on a receiver beyond the expanded neutral zone. A receiver makes a valid fair catch. In order to retain the ball, the receiver must decline kicker's foul.

Answer: B

3. A, 3/6, B-26. An offensive back is illegally in motion when the QB takes the snap and throws a pass to an eligible receiver. A defensive player intercepts the pass at the B-20 and returns it to the B-40. During the return, a defensive player blocks an offensive player below the waist at the B-32.

Answer: A

4. The QB throws a pass which is intercepted beyond the line of scrimmage. During the runback, a B player blocks an A player in the back, and an A player grabs and releases the runner's facemask.

Answer: B

5. K, 4/7, K-15. K is in a scrimmage kick formation. Immediately after the snap, the nose guard runs directly into the snapper. The punter runs to the K-18 and punts. A receiver catches the kick at the K-35 and is downed at the K-30.

Answer: E

6. A, 3/5, A-27. An eligible receiver catches a legal forward pass at the A-37 and runs to the A-45, where he is tackled. During the run, an offensive player holds a defensive player at the A-40. ES is:

Answer: C

7. A, 3/5, A-27. An eligible receiver catches a legal forward pass at the A-37 and runs to the A-45, where he is tackled. During the pass, an offensive player holds a defensive player at the A-20. ES is: 

Answer: A

8. A, 3/2, A-16. A legal forward pass is intercepted at the A-45; the intercepting player runs to the A-20, where he is tackled. During the run, a defensive player blocks an offensive player below the waist at the A-30. ES is:

Answer: C






Never knew this was an option. Noting here to call it out. This usually happens on PAT's.

Context (part of rule or case): Situation B (accepting penalty but declining distance)









If R2 strikes K3 as R2 throwing a punch - if that is the case wouldn't this be an UNS? If so does that take the double foul out of the equation because R's foul was an UNS even though it was during the live ball period? 

Both penalties would offset. May consider DQ for the punch.

Team in final possession has to decline the penalty during the down to maintain possession. Another one to keep in mind since those plays are already crazy. 

Context (part of rule or case): c. With double fouls and a change of possession

Situation C: double foul - R2 strikes K3 prior to the end of the run


We are supposed to "inform the designated representative of the offended team regarding the rights of penalty acceptance or declination and shall indicate to him the number of the ensuing down, distance to be gained, and status of the ball for each available choice." So in this case we would say, B declined your penalty, if you decline their penalty the game is over? Or do we make them figure that out on their own? What if before we say anything they say they want to enforce the B penalty? Do we help them out? 

As Referees we want to keep it pretty simple. If the option is obvious then handling it without consenting the team captains. When it is not obvious go to the coaches. With O2O's this would be easy to communicate with the coach and Referee at the same time.

Context (part of rule or case): Situation C: Time running out, A penalty before turnover, B penalty after B declines to keep possession and A declines to end the game





A. penalties for a dead ball fouls, other then when both teams commit unsportsmanlike, nonplayer or dead-ball personal fouls prior to the completion the completion of penalty administration for those fouls, are administered separately and in order of occurrence. A dead-ball foul is not coupled with a live-ball foul or another dead-ball foul to create a double or multiple foul.

I believe I understand the difference between a live ball foul and a dead-ball foul. How they are enforced separately and in the order of occurrence. How is a dead-ball foul and another dead-ball foul by the same team not a multiple foul? Because they are not live ball fouls. The exception is unsportsmanlike fouls.

Context (part of rule or case): Enforcement of penalties for unsportsmanlike , nonplayer or dead ball fouls.









Can we have DH once the pass is thrown - wouldn't this be DPI? 

I understand the outcome of what 10.4.2 Situation D is saying; however, I am trying to understand why in example (a), the enforcement spot could be from either the previous spot or the spot of the foul. Is there a specific section in the article (as the situation does not give a reference) that explains that outcome as I thought spot fouls were based on the location of the end of the run or related run when it is beyond the line of scrimmage... 

This would be DPI.

The online case book is incorrect. I have corrected it. The following line has been removed. or from the spot of the foul if A1’s foul was committed behind the previous spot. 


Context (part of rule or case): Situation C: B holding during loose ball play.




Help me understand this call? Would it be safe to say we have a live ball foul and a dead ball foul? That's the reason we don't have multiple fouls? If understanding correctly both fouls were enforced in this play. I think in the rule 10-2-1 explains it when it talks about other than nonplayer or unsportsmanlike, during the same live-ball period. I think that's were I get confused?? 

Why is it 1st and 15. I understand the ball being on the A-5 but I don't understand why it is 1st and 15 from the A-5 vs. 1st and 10. I thought we administered all penalties after a first down and then set up the chains. 

That is correct. Multiple fouls are live ball fouls from the same team not including UNS.




We are replaying the first down on the situation. That is why it is first and 15.


Context (part of rule or case): Nonplayer and unsportsmanlike fouls Situation A: With third and goal from B's
2-yard line.A1's forward pass is intercepted by B1 in the end zone and returned for an apparent touchdown.
During B1's run . B2 clips at the 50, after which the coach of B comes on the field at A's 40 to criticize the covering official's call. RULING: First and 10 for B on the 20-yardline.Since the foul for B's coach is an unsportsmanlike foul, it is enforced from the succeeding spot after the penalty for B2's live-ball foul is enforced. The line-to-gain equipment is not set until all penalties have been administered. This is not a Multiple foul situation.

Situation B: Clipping penalty on A followed by UNS by A.








Penalty Enforcement Table 10-4