Flag Football Notes



What is a spin and when should it be called

Spin rule is in play for safety issue. Only illegal spin is full 360 spin in a straight line.
Respond to coach "She changed directions";
Most 360 spins involve a jump - but leaping/diving are illegal

What is a rush, what is a rush line, etc

Rush line is 7 yards
Player must be completely behind 7 yds at the snap - watch for offense going on 2
Only illegal rush if they are in front of 7 yds AND crosses the line
Make sure you know all players beyond the rush line
Once the QB gets rid of the ball all players can rush
Mechanically - HL stay on the rush line until QB gets rid of the ball

No run zone - a QB running the ball

No run zone - anything at or less than 5 yds from LTG or GL
Pass can be forward or backward
Pass behind the LOS - all defensive players can now rush without restriction

QB running

QB can only run once per series - but still can't run in the no run zone
If QB ran on scoring series
CAN run again on the 2 pt try

What is the penalty for run during no run zone

Signal = Squirrel cage
Illegal run

legal formation in no run zone

Only 3 players within 4 yds of the ball at the snap (QB, snapper, 1 player)

Impeding the rusher - illegal block

All players offense and defense have the right to establish their position on the field.
Very similar to a charge in basketball,
Be alert for receivers who are getting in the way of the rusher on purpose
If position isn't established - then impeding
Establish your standard

Unlimited number of passes?

5.8.2 - Any number of backwards passes - anywhere on the field

De-flagging before the ball a foul?

Only if obvious - a deflag during a bobble is not a foul but still need to tag for tackle
If the flag falls off after possession then dead at that spot

The penalty chart has diving under 5 yard and 10 yard penalty. Can we clarify this?

10 yd foul

We have a running clock all game, do we stick to use Mechanics Signal 3 for OOB (even though the clock won't stop)

Do what the white hat tells you - when in doubt stay with your mechanics
LJ should instruct clock operator to ignore outside of 2 minutes

QB has to be at least 2 yds behind to receive the ball - video that Coover sent out said 4 yds

2 yds

4.9 - fouls during a change or in OT after a change in possession

OT rules
4.10.9 - If A fouls during try - no chance to do again. Live ball treated as dead ball - enforced on the next play. If foul on both teams. In normal play they would be offsetting
Penalties by both teams are declined by rule - exception of flagrant
Live balls treated as dead balls can be enforced on the next play at