Transportation Fees for Officials
A flat fee will be used to compensate officials for round‐trip travel based on the following scale:
51 ‐ 75 miles = $13.00
76 ‐ 125 miles = $19.00
126 ‐ 175 miles = $31.00
176 ‐ 250 miles = $43.00
251 ‐ 350 miles = $55.00
A. The origination point for official’s mileage will be determined in the following way:
From the official’s home residence within the assignment area, to the location of their contest. Officials who live or work outside their assignment area will only be compensated for mileage from the “Zip Code Departure Point” to the location of their contest. The “Zip Code Departure Point” is either the home or work address closest to the official’s association boundaries. This will be entered under the “Travel Limits Function” by the assigner of each association.
B. If origination point is not from home address, the official’s zip code of record must be vetted by the respective official’s association president.
C. Travels fee’s will be evaluated at the end of each officials’ associations fees review cycle.