SECTION 3. Timeouts: Starting and Stopping the Clock
Starting and Stopping the Clock
a. Free Kick. After the ball is free-kicked, the game clock shall be started on an official’s signal when the ball is legally touched in the field of play, or when it crosses the goal line after being touched legally by Team B in its end zone. It is subsequently stopped on an official’s signal when the ball is dead by rule.
Approved Ruling 3-3-2 VII. Free Kick @ A-35. Team A executes an on-side kick. After the ball has traveled 10 yards, (a) B21 gives a valid fair catch signal and makes a clean catch; (b) A80 is first to touch the ball and makes a clean legal catch or recovery; (c) B21 catches or recovers the ball and immediately goes to the ground; (d) B21 makes a clean recovery with their knees on the ground. RULING: The ball is declared dead and, (a) No time will run off the clock; (b) No time will run off the clock; (c) the clock operator shall start the clock when the ball is legally touched and will stop the clock when the ball is declared dead (Rule 3-3-2a); (d) No time will run off the clock.