San Diego County Football Officials Association
San Diego County Football Officials Association
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Officials in Action Part 2
Ted Schiess
Diego Rivera and David Brown
Rob Bowman
Mike Parker
Tony Sands
Ali Shetula, Mike Duggan and Mike Allen
Ronny Cox
Kenn Brush
Gary Gittelson
Sal Gambino and Jon Cima
Clay Reynard Jr
Garth DeFelice
Dave Garza
Bob Flavin
Bob Duggan
Brandon Chavez and Ed Zapolski
Ryan Lanz and Keven Smith
Greg Woolf
Albert Jones and George Conley
Troy Keenen
Paul Kwiatkowski
Tyler Lindsay
Mike Parker and Nate Weiss
Andy Wilson
Mark Halby and Don Carey
Tom Ables
Bill Tellous and Steve Coover
Brad Yosick
Andy Wilson and Louie Avalos
Rick Christensen
Steve Coover, Danny Short and Dick Brockett
Gary Gittelson and Steve Thorne
Dave Garza
Gerry Burgos
Craig Gustafson and Tony Shaw
Robert Bezverkov
Greg Covington
Blake Morgan
Garth DeFelice
Mike Carey
Don Carey
Paul Castro
Kenn Brush, Greg Covington and Darius Stephens
Dave Garza
Brian Mills
Jace Carlson
Tony Shaw
Paul Kwiatkowski
Rick Christensen
Clay Reynard Jr
Gerry Burgos and Ben Sherlock
Kelsey Moore
Blake Morgan
Mark Kozina
Lorri Stratton
Danny Short
Devonta Cunningham
Daruis Stephens
Kelsey Moore
John Downing
Mark Fattal, Blake Morgan and Mike Gunzelman
Greg Covington and Mike Sotelo
Garrett Haislip
Robert Bezverkov and Jim Wrightson
Bob Hood and Jake Minger
John Gill III
Garth DeFelice
George Conley
Greg Covington
Brandon Chavez
Troy Keenan
Ronny Cox
John Gill III
Kenn Brush and Moses Moreno
Bob Hood and Gerry Burgos
Bob Flavin
Clay Reynard Jr
Nick Williams
Marlow Fitzgerald
Greg Covington
Patrick Bonahoom and Charlton Lynch
Dan Diedorff and Brandon Chavez
Dave Garza and Ben Boccoli
John McDade
Mike Parker
Rick Christensen
Paul Castro
Devonta Cunningham
Kenn Brush
Mike Kingsley
Santo Angel
Ed Zapolski
Cal Evans and Bill Johnson
Craig Beaver and Kipperr Bell
Jeff Macomber
Nick Williams and Greg Tipton
Rob Bowman
Andy Castagnola and Tom Ables
Jeff Phillips and Fletcher Calvert
Nick Williams
Dave Garza and Dan Hopwood
Gary Gittelson and Kenn Brush
John Gill III and Roger Cox
Garth DeFelice
Dave Garza
Paul Kwiatkowski
Ron Ragan
Danny Short
John McDaid
Clay Reynard Jr
Brad Yosick and Ron Brudwick
Dan Beer
Rick Christensen
Gerry Burgos
Robert Bezverkov
Dave Fleischman
Rob Bowman
Diego Rivera
Bob Flavin
Mike Kingsley, Kenn Brush and Paul Kwiatkowski
Ed Zapolski
Cain Mitchell
Tom Ables
Diego Rivera and Dave Garza
Dave Brown and Diego Rivera
John McDaid
John Stavola
Mike Duggan
Brad Yosick
Lorse Gilbert
Kevin Haws
John Cima and John Cahill
John Thur
Brandon Chavez
Albert Jones
Ron Brudwick and John Downing
Rob Bowman
Bob Flavin
Dave Garza
Garth DeFelice
Tim Podraza
Clay Reynard Jr.
Kenn Brush
Paul Kwiatkowski
Ed Zapolski and James Hammett
John Downing
Mark and Tyler Lindsay
Mike Duggan
Mike Downing and Bob D'Angelo
John And JJ Stavola
Charlton Lynch
David Duffield
Bob D'Angelo
Rob Bowman
Zack Marble, Ted Schiess, Mike Sotelo and John Gill III
Kenn Brush, Steve Coover and Ed Zapolski
Kipperr Bell
Garth DeFelice
Clay Reynard Jr
John Stavola
Bill Haws
Danny Short
Gerry Burgos
Mike Sotelo
Zack Marble
Mark Halby
Kevin Keller
Garth DeFelice
Mike Carey
Bob D'Angelo
Mike Duggan, Brad Cowan, John Downing and Mike Parga
Clay Reynard Jr
Joe Marelli
Don Carey
Sergio Godinez
Kelsey Moore
Kenn Brush and Mike Kingsley
Paul Castro
Scott Trimble
Charlton Lynch
Gerry Burgos
Jace Carlson
Sergio Godinez
Jordan Graves
Cal Evans
Frank Rustich
Gerry Burgos
Cal Evans, Dave Garza, Keven Smith and Nate Weiss
Bob Flavin, Bob D'Angelo, Cal Evans and Unknown
Brandon Chavez, Unknown, Mike Lemieux and Dan Dierdorff
Bob D'Angelo and Mike Kingsley
Bob D'Angelo, Kevin Floquet and Mike Kingsley
Dave Garza
Jace Carlson
Mark Halby
John Gill III
Cal Evans and Jim Sibbet
Gerry Burgos
Fletcher Calvert
Ed Zapolski, James Hammett and Kenn Brush
Paul Castro
Bob Hood
Mike Carey
Ron Gillenberg
Dave Garza
Nick WIlliams
John Gill
Paul Kwiatkowski and John Gill
Garth DeFelice
Robert Bezverkov
Greg Covington and Mike Sotelo
Ronny Cox
Brad Yosick
Andy Wilson
Dave Fleischman
Bob Hood
Ed Zapolski
Mike Kingsley
Greg Covington
Paul Kwiatkowski
Kenn Brush and John Gill III
Cain Mitchell
James Hammett
Bob Hood
Paul Castro
Kelsey Moore