Weekly Bull 10/21/09
A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation
The Weekly Bull – 10/21/09
Final Board Elections
Food For Thought
Adjourn 8:30
Reminder, the banquet counts for one meeting, but if you have not made 6 meetings so far, there is no way you can qualify for the draft in 2009 unless you write the Board and request an exemption. Same thing if you haven’t passed the mechanics and/or the rules tests. The final chance to make up a meeting will be Wednesday November 4th in room 401 starting at 6:30. Each instructor has an accurate listing of attendance and test scores. Names that are highlighted need to attend the make up meeting on Nov. 4th or they won’t be eligible for the draft next year (or you write the request for exemption letter to the board). Missing test scores are also highlighted.
Instructors, thank you for your service this year….you are the best! Our instructional program is hailed as one of the best in the nation and you are the backbone of that program. Again, thanks for all you do!
Results of tonight’s board election will be announced at the banquet. Remember to pay your dues NEXT YEAR using the website – sdcfoa.org by downloading all forms, completing them and sending them in with your check. You can start checking the website in March. We will be emailing a reminder notice in March. You won’t be drafted if you haven’t paid by the draft! No exceptions! No kidding!