Weekly Bull 10/21/09


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 10/21/09


  1. Attendance

  2. Final Board Elections

  3. Announcements

  4. Food For Thought

  5. Video

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Reminder, the banquet counts for one meeting, but if you have not made 6 meetings so far, there is no way you can qualify for the draft in 2009 unless you write the Board and request an exemption. Same thing if you haven’t passed the mechanics and/or the rules tests.  The final chance to make up a meeting will be Wednesday November 4th in room 401 starting at 6:30.  Each instructor has an accurate listing of attendance and test scores.  Names that are highlighted need to attend the make up meeting on Nov. 4th or they won’t be eligible for the draft next year (or you write the request for exemption letter to the board).  Missing test scores are also highlighted.

  2. Instructors, thank you for your service this year….you are the best! Our instructional program is hailed as one of the best in the nation and you are the backbone of that program.  Again, thanks for all you do!

  3. Results of tonight’s board election will be announced at the banquet. Remember to pay your dues NEXT YEAR using the website – sdcfoa.org by downloading all forms, completing them and sending them in with your check. You can start checking the website in March.  We will be emailing a reminder notice in March. You won’t be drafted if you haven’t paid by the draft!  No exceptions! No kidding! 

Food For Thought:

Walt Daniels

We are all saddened by the lose of a great friend and official, Walt Daniels.  Walt was one of our all-time great umpires who worked pop warner and CIF championships with the same professionalism.  He was a great sportsman who loved this game.  We will all miss him and all he did for our association and the game of football.

Three Selected to Work the State Championship

Congratulations to Chris Wiggins, Gene Beck and Brad Yosick who have been selected to work the State of California Championship Bowl Games in December.  Let’s all get up to the Home Depot Center and watch them work!  The San Diego County Football Officials Association has now had 12 officials selected to work the games in four years.

Horse Collar Madness

Observed a game where three horse collar tackles were called in two games (jv/var). I hope we’re not falling in love with this call.  Of the two called in the varsity game, one was a classic horse collar, the other the runner broke down on his own even though the tackler had the inside of the shoulder pad in the back.  Make sure it’s BIG. The definition from the rule book states: "No player or non player shall grab the inside back or side collar of the shoulder pads or jersey of the runner and subsequently pull the runner to the ground.”

Overturning a Call

If you have completed a play and the crew has incorrectly administered a penalty or some other ruling has been made, and then you change your decision, please consider the following before you begin to correct the error: what was the previous spot, what down was it, and what was the status of the clock.  Don’t begin to fix the problem until you are clear on all of these items.  There is nothing worse that watching officials struggle to recreate what was and find out that they aren’t sure of the previous spot, the previous down, or the clock.  When there is doubt….move on and don’t attempt the correction.

Plays Ending Close to the Line to Gain

On plays ending close to the line to gain, the flanks must pinch and get a good spot.  If for some reason you don’t have a spot, mirror the other official or move far away from the spot so the umpire knows you don’t have one.  Umpire is to hand the ball to the closest official to the play or the official with the best spot (in almost all cases – the one closest to the end of the play!)  Once the ball is placed, determine if we need to measure BEFORE moving the ball.  Moving the ball and then measuring is just asking for trouble! Don’t do it.

Officiating Out of Your Area

If you are going to be a “crew saver” and overrule another official, you better be right!  We had two instances this week of officials going into another official’s area and changing a ruling.  Two different game videos show that the intervening official was wrong in changing the ruling official’s call.  Again, sometimes another angle on a catch or penalty can help; just make sure that the game film will support the changing of the call.

Unsportsmanlike Acts by the Defense at the Snap

It is an unsportsmanlike act for any defender to “use disconcerting acts or words prior to the snap in an attempt to interfere with the offense’s signals.”  These are acts by the defense meant to confuse the offense’s signals such as calling our signals or feigning charges at the defense.

7-Man Mechanics Clinic

In preparation for the CIF semi-finals and finals, those individuals selected to work those games are invited to a meeting at the SDCOE on Wednesday, December 2nd.  Exact time and room will be announced via the Arbitor.  Chris Wiggins and several current NCAA officials will instruct.

Please and Thank You

Reminder – Demonstrate your best manners to all game administrators, custodians, coaches and spectators.  You never know who you will need to help you!  And don’t forget “please and thank you” can be your best tools for the game!

San Diego County Football Officials Association

7th Annual Golf Classic

Benefitting the SD Youth Football Fund

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coronado Municipal Golf Course

11:00 a.m. First Tee Time

Four Person Scramble

$100 per player entry fee

includes golf, cart and lunch.

Entry deadline is October 30, 2009.

Contact Ed Blick or Jake Minger:

Guests and golfers of all abilities welcome!

Get your crew or fellow officials together and book a foursome!  After golf, attend the annual SDCFOA banquet at the SD Hall of Champions!

Weekly Bull 10 21 09
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