Weekly Bull 10/8/14


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL - October 8, 2014

Meeting This Week - We will be meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday) at West Hills - All officials including 1st year and 2nd year and transfers.  All regular classes will meet!  We will meet in our regular classrooms first (this is a change from a previous Bulletin).  Meet in your regular classes from 7:00 - 7:45.  All regular classes will then adjourn to the Theater for voting for the Board.  Important: All 1st year, 2nd year and transfers will stay in their classrooms.  They do not vote.  These instructors will vote when a ballot is brought to your classroom.

GAME CHECK WEEKEND - October 9, 10 and 11 - Please donate a game check to support YOUR Charity Fund (www.sdyouthfootballfund.org).  Last year the membership only donated $900 (less than $3 per member).  Mail or give your check to Jake Minger - payable to "SDYFF".  In addition, donations can be made via Paypal.

ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT - It is time to form your foursomes.  The date is November 19th at Riverwalk (Mission Valley).  The cost remains $110 which includes - green fee, cart, lunch, two drinks and range balls.  Please contact Ed Blick or Jake Minger with your group.  Singles are welcome.  Only 72 spots to fill - first come, first in!  Deadline is November 10th.

Crew Chiefs, the Weekly Bulletin, and Video - Crew chiefs are expected to have some form of communication prior to the next game regarding the contents of the Weekly Bulletin and the Weekly Instructional Video.  On top of that, someone on your crew, or several members of your crew should be cutting up your own crew's game from that week.  This is a huge time commitment so delegate.  Get your crew more involved and active in each of these

Instructional Video - This week I've provided some outstanding mechanics and officials demonstrating excellent judgement.  When an official uses strong, confident mechanics, coupled with hustle and good, slow, accurate decision-making, the players, coaches and fans can only feel confidence in your officiating.  Be strong in your signals, be athletic in your movements, and be slow yet confident in your judgment.  And above all, be a great communicator!

Bull 10 8 14
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