Weekly Bull 11/18/15

Playoff Bulletin – Reminders

Golf Tournament – Tomorrow - Wednesday at Riverwalk CC.  Shotgun start at 11:00.  Questions - contact Ed Blick at edward.blick@unionbank.com  or go on-line for details..

Banquet – Also Tomorrow - Wednesday night 6:00 pm at the Hall of Champions in Balboa Park.  You paid for this event in your registration so make sure you attend and get your money’s worth!

7-Man Mechanics Workshop – Please note change of date! Next TUESDAY 11/24 7:00 pm at West Hills Room S-8.  All semifinal and final crews must attend.  Chain crews and timers need not attend.  Crew chiefs, if you’d like to meet with your crew before we begin at 7:00, I will have rooms available starting at 6:00 in the World Languages building.

Open WL7

D1 WL6

D2 WL5

D3 WL4

D4 WL3

D5 – Imperial Valley Crew will be carpooling and will discuss topics on the trip.

Finals Credentials – All finals crews, chain crews and timers will receive their game credentials at the banquet.  Crew chiefs will distribute to officials, chain crew members and timers.  Crew chiefs for all finals please see Coover or Ables at the banquet and distribute at that time!

Playoff Passes $5 – These will be on sale at the banquet for $5 and will get you access to all playoff games starting this weekend and includes all CIF finals.  You can purchase for family members as well.  This is a great value provided by the CIF to the SDCFOA.

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