Weekly Bull 11/25/19

Congratulations on a Great Season SDCFOA! – As we finish up the CIF San Diego Section playoffs this Friday and Saturday, it is a good time to congratulate everyone and thank you all for making the 2019 season a great one!  We all worked hard and prepared each week to go out and do our best for our fellow crewmates, the teams, the game itself, and for the fun!  You get it!  This is not just a paycheck but a chance to be a part of a great group of friends and colleagues, working in synch to officiate the game in the absolute best interest of a fair game.  And of course we do it for the fellowship and fun…and even get paid!  What a blessing!  See you in 2020!

How Can We Get Even Better? – Three things come to mind:

First, stay in shape or improve our conditioning.  First impressions matter and an unfit official makes a bad first impression.  Plus it prepares us for the stamina and mobility necessary for a season of officiating football games. 

Second, reflect on your season.  Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for the good things you accomplished this year.  Then list a few items that you can work on. 

Third, get into the rule book.  Studying the rule book is time consuming, and the off season provides us with the time to “dig into” the rule and case books.

How Can the Instructional Program Get Better? – Thank you for your survey responses.  We haven’t received your responses but each year your survey responses motivate us to “tweak” the program and “Get Even Better”.   We are considering remaining at Challenger Middle School but may return to Mira Mesa HS.  We’ll see, but the feedback regarding Challenger has been good (except for changing rooms so many times).  We seem to fit that size campus well.  Two early initiatives will be the re-view, updating, and reprinting of the 2020-21SDCFOA Mechanics and Philosophies Manual.  We will also be organizing all of our calibrated plays into a SDCFOA Video Case Book meant to demonstrate rules and philosophies using the calibrations.  Can’t wait for next year already!

NCAA Playoff Crew Announced – Congratulations to John Downing (Back Judge) for being selected to the Division II playoff crew along with Mike Duggan (alternate) from the GNAC Conference.  We will be waiting to see if they get a game assignment.  Congratulations you two!

More NCAA - Congratulations Zack Marble and Brian Bortness – These two will be flying to Belton, Texas for a D3 playoff game between Mary Hardin-Baylor (#1 seed) vs Huntingdon College (Alabama) this Saturday.  Good luck you two!  You and most deserving and congratulations!

Thank You Terry Bernard, Andre Coleman, Paul Kwitkowski, Moses Moreno, Blake Morgan, Garrett Haislip and Tony Shaw – This crew did a spectacular job of officiating the CIF Open Division Championship Game last Saturday night.  They worked hard in preparing for this “big game” (aren’t they all?) and the preparation led to a highly successful evening.  Congratulations and thank you all!

CIF Semifinals Crews  – The feedback from schools and coaches has been extremely positive!  We’ve had a great playoffs so far and a huge “Thank You!” to Tom Ables, Greg Covington and Dave Garza for creating such great crews in all divisions.  Now we move on to the big Friday/Saturday doubleheaders of the CID San Diego Section Championships for Divisions 2, 4 and 5 on Friday night and Divisions 1 & 3 Saturday night.  Here are the assigned crews.  See you at Southwestern College in the end zone suite!

Friday 11/29

Division 4 - 1:00 pm – Serra vs Santana

Referee – Nick Williams

Umpire – Ron Gillenberg

HL – Jon Cima

LJ – John Thur

SJ – Bob Flavin

FJ – Rick Christensen

BJ – Joe St. Onge

Division 2 - 7:00 pm – Bishops vs El Camino

Referee – Mike Downing

Umpire – Ed Blick

HL – Darren Alcalay

LJ – Michael Kingsley

SJ – Johnnie Perkins

FJ – Clay Reynard Sr.

BJ – Eric Stoffers

And how about checking out this crew as they work the Division V Championship at Otay Ranch HS in Chula Vista at 7:00 pm on Friday night.

Division 5 - 7:00 pm at Otay Ranch HS – Castle Park vs Francis Parker

Referee – Bob Hood

Umpire – Ken Brush

HL – Tony Nelson

LJ – Gerry Burgos

SJ – Kyle Takao

FJ – Victor Hawthorne

BJ – Jordan Graves

Saturday 11/30

Division 3 - 1:00 pm – Scripps Ranch vs La Jolla

Referee – Ted Schiess

Umpire – Andy Wilson

HL – Ben Sherlock

LJ – Jonathan Maskevich

SJ – Dalton Bray

FJ – Greg Woolf

BJ – Corey Butts

Division 1 - 7:00 pm – Oceanside vs Lincoln

Referee – Jimmy Christensen

Umpire – Mike Gunzelman

HL – Justin Joseph

LJ – Art Warren

SJ – Rob Schaerer

FJ – Mark Halby

BJ – David Sibbet

November 25 2019
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