Weekly Bull 10/16/19


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL - October 16, 2019 

Meeting This Week - We will all be meeting Wednesday 10/16 at Challenger Middle School for our second to the last meeting.  Crew Chiefs and Instructors will meet at 6:15 in Room 102.  The regular meeting beginning at 7:00 pm when all certified officials will meet in the Challenger Middle School Auditorium.  We will be introduced to the candidates for the 4 openings on next year’s board.  We will then vote as a preliminary vote before we have the final vote at our 10/30 meeting.  1st and 2nd year officials will meet at 7:00 in their regular classrooms.  Again, all 1st year, 2nd year and transfers will stay in their classrooms.  They do not vote.   

Uniforms – We continue to “fix” uniform issues as we play.  Thank you for keeping our kids properly equipped.  I did receive feedback about one school which had many players with pants that were above the knees.  I have noticed the coach and the next crew working that team regarding this unsafe situation.   We continue to do well by enforcing this important rule. 

Thunder and Lightning – Crew chiefs, you are responsible for the proper implementation of the thunder and lightning protocol which can be found in the back of the NFHS Rule Book.  Please work with the administration from both schools as you collectively make decisions regarding the implementation of the protocol. 

Golf Tournament – This year’s golf tournament will take place on Wednesday, November 6th at Riverwalk GC in Mission Valley.  Shotgun start at 11:00am.  $125 covers golf, cart, and lunch.  $145 gets you all that plus drink tickets and a chance to win lots of great prizes at the raffle.  You can play as a crew, foursome, or play as an individual.  Golfers of all abilities and guests are welcome. Contact Ed Blick, Mike Downing, or Jake Minger with questions or go on-line to check out the details and register at  www.SDYouthFootballFund.org 

Banquet Stories – Our Banquet will be on November 6th and we need stories.  See Bob Hood or email him your video or story of our fun-loving mistakes from the 2019 season.  We need a few more!!  Also, remember to attend the banquet as you’ve already paid for your dinner with your 2019 registration!

CIF Commissioners Announce Retirement – Jerry Schniepp and John Labeta have announced their retirement and we wish them well as they have done so much for high school athletics in San Diego!  As you already know, they have been extremely supportive of fair play and the role officials play in that endeavor.  Look for them on the sidelines at future games and don’t be afraid to thank them for their service and congratulate them on their well deserved retirement.

Service Awards – If you are celebrating an anniversary of service to SDCFOA, we want to recognize you at the banquet this year.  If your first year of service is 2000, 1990, or 1980, we want to present you with a “Years of Service” award this year.  Please contact Rick Christensen directly with your information LAST CALL. 

Game Check Weekend Results! - SD Youth Football Fund wants to thank all of you who participated in Game Check weekend.  The overall response was quite a bit lower than in previous years, but for those who were able to participate, we raised a little over $2,900 for our Fund.  The goal was to raise $5,000, but all funds contributed will help our efforts to provide support and scholarships.  So a big “Thank you!” from the Association to those who participated.  The award for the top contributing crew goes to Bill Hammet’s crew for their $760 crew contribution.  The Fund will provide his crew dinner this coming Friday, up to $150, as a quick thank you for your crew’s effort in raising funds .  If you still want to contribute, please visit our website and donate and help or SD football community!  Our last fund raising event is the golf tournament! We still have openings; look forward to seeing you out there.  Let’s give BIG at the golf tournament! Mike Downing and Jake Minger.     

Catch/Muff/Fumble and First Touching –Good time for all BJs and LJs to review catch/muff/fumble and first touching.  Catch – we’re slow to rule so as not to blow an inadvertent, kick has ended.  Muff – the ball is live, kick has not ended, and either team can recover (kickers may not advance).  Fumble – kick has ended, either team may recover and advance.  First touching – kick has not ended, R can advance after 1st touching, bean bag indicates the spot of first touching (unless K has blocked or pushed R into the ball).  R has the right to take the ball at the spot of first touching unless R has fouled after first touching or a penalty is accepted for any foul committed during the down.

CIF State Championships – Congratulations to Moses Moreno, Terry Bernard, Andre Coleman, Mike Halby, Rob Schaerer, and Garrett Haislip for being selected to work a CIF Regional Championship and a CIF State Championship at Cerritos College!  They will be on five separate crews and work at various divisions as yet to be determined, but Moses will be working a potential Open Division Game between Mater Dei and Concord De La Salle.  These games are all big at Cerritos so congratulations to all who represent the SDCFOA!

CIF Championship Crews – These assignments are being developed as of this Bull.  If you are selected to work at playoff game, you will need to pay attention to future Bulls that give you details relative to your assignment.  We’re entering the next phase of the season…league championships and CIF Playoffs.  Step it up!

Playoff Fees – Official in the preliminary rounds and the semifinals will be paid by the schools and charged to game expenses. Officials working the CIF Championships (finals only) will be paid by the CIF directly.  Here is a list of the playoff fees:

Preliminary and  Semifinal Rounds (paid by schools):

Referee                        $83.00

Other Officials            $81.00

CIF Championships (paid by CIF directly):

Referee                        $93.00

Other Officials            $93.00

Chain Crew:

Semifinals (paid by schools)               $46.00

CIF Championships (paid by CIF)     $51.00

October 16 2019
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