Weekly Bull 11/4/19

Golf Tourney & Banquet – Our banquet will be this Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 pm.  Make sure you attend as you’ve already paid for your dinner.  And don’t forget to send in any stories you may have to Bob Hood. 

The banquet is located at the Anchors Catering and Conference Center.  The Center is located at the intersection of W.Division St. and Norman Scott Rd.  I believe you take the Division St. off ramp of The 5 south just past The 15.  As you exit just continue straight and you'll be heading onto the Navy base.  You take a quick right into the Conference Center before you get to the gate blocking entrance to the base.  There will be a SDCFOA Sign on the fence where you are to turn right.  

Golf Tourney – There is still one foursome slot available for a last second group to get organized.  Contact Ed Blick. Early betting is on the favorite Isham, Duggan, Reilly and Wiggins.  Target is on their backs! 

It’s Playoff Time – I don’t need to say any more than it’s playoff time!  Huge games.  One team advances and one team’s season ends.  We must respect that.  Prepare extensively for this game.  Be cohesive as a crew.  Trust your crewmate.  Do your job!!!  Remember, you earned this assignment; our assignor has faith in you and your work.  Don’t let him or the Association down.  More importantly, don’t let the players, teams or the game down!  Be professional, demonstrate presence.  And have fun!!!! 

Spalding Football Must Be Used in All Playoff Rounds – Teams may use any Spalding football of their choice, but they must use a Spalding football in all playoff games this year.  The Spalding football must be in use throughout the game (not just on kick offs) 

Playoff Game Fees This Week Round #1 – The first round is paid by the schools (vouchers or Ref Pay).  Here are the fees for this week’s games:

Referee                       $83

Other Officials           4 @ $81

8-Man Championship Game This Saturday – Foothills Christian vs SD Jewish Academy – 7:00 pm at Mission Bay High School.  The crew will be Darrin Bronk, Shonta Simmons, Levi Sumner, Shawn Franklin and George Conley.  Pay will be $93 for all officials paid by the CIF via RefPay.

All-Star Game Crew Announced – Congratulations to the following crew members who have been selected to work the 2019 Alex Spanos All-Star Game on Saturday December 14th at 6:00 pm at Mesa College.  Come out and support the crew!

R-Mike Andrews

U-Albert Jones

HL-David Duffield

LJ-Bill Haws

FJ-Blair Havens

SJ-Leonard Blevins

BJ-David Rios

Film – I’m doing the best I can to get film during the playoffs but the teams are no longer required to add their games to their League Pools.  So, if I’m successful, you will get a film.  If not, then no film.  I will encourage teams to share with us so we can evaluate our efforts, mechanics and judgments.  Wish me luck! 

Entry to CIF Playoff Games – Please note that our SDCFOA Association Pass is not good for any playoff games.  If you are assisting a crew, then you must enter the facility/field with the crew.  Do not go to the gate and ask for entrance because you are an official.  This will not work and is an embarrassment to our Association.  The $5 playoff passes will be on sale at the banquet.  Credentials for the crews, chain crews and timers will be available on Wednesday November 13th at the 7-Man Mechanics Workshop.

Ejections – If a player is disqualified during a playoff game, the same reporting requirements exist.  Please notify Steve Coover if an ejection occurs during your game and enter it into the CIF Ejection Manager.

Touchback – Remember in high school football the positioning of the player’s body relative to the goal line makes no difference when determining if a kick has reached the endzone for a touch back.  In high school, only the position of the ball relative to the goal line is considered.  So, if a player is in the end zone and reaches back into the field of play and bats the ball backwards to prevent the ball from crossing the goal line, the ball will be marked dead in the field of play where the ball ends up.  As long as the ball does not cross the goal line, the ball is still live!  NCAA and NFL are completely different, as are plays involving a player out of bounds and the sideline in high school.

Weekly Instructional Video – I will continue to send a Weekly Instructional Video for the next few weeks.  It is a quick way to share ideas and officiating concepts and principles…and I hope fun to watch.  I hope you will continue to watch games live during the playoffs if you’re not assigned.  Come out and support your fellow officials as they work these extremely important games!  You will always learn something new and useful.  See you at the games! 

7-Man Mechanics Workshop Wednesday November 13th at 7:00 pm at Challenger Middle School Auditorium – This is a mandatory meeting for all officials who are assigned a 7-man semifinal or 7-man final.  Chain crew members and timers do not attend.  The 8-Man finals crew is excused from attending this meeting.

This year’s presenters will be Chris Wiggins, Ron Gillenberg, Steve Hoslett, Clay Reynard Jr., and Don Carey.  Our 7-Man Mechanics Manual is posted on our website and a handout by position will be sent to all those working.

$5 tickets for the Championships @ Southwestern College – These tickets will be on sale at the banquet.  Each $5 ticket gets you entrance to that day’s championship games (only at Southwestern College).  If you wish to attend games on Friday, and games on Saturday, you will need to buy two tickets (one for Friday, one for Saturday). 

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