Weekly Bull 6/17/19

SDCFOA Information Update - Steve Coover

Date: Monday, June 17, 2019, 01:04 PM PDT

"First off, you've got to be a good person!" - David Coleman, PAC 12 Supervisor of Officials

Goal setting for the season starts with this quote! We owe it to ourselves, and to our crewmates, to take some time and reflect on the elements of our character that could be made even better. To assist in this activity, I suggest you read and reflect on the section on Goals and Preparedness on pages 2-4 of the 20182019 SDCFOA Mechanics and Philosophies Manual, paying particular attention to the first three sections:

Character; Relationship; and Presence. Then, turn to pages 86-88 and slowly review the Qualities of an Excellent Crew Mate. Again, pay special attention to those traits that will make us an even better person, and official!


The response to this opportunity has been outstanding. There is still a need for some officials to work the USD games on Sunday. NFL and NCAA mentors will be helping you on Sunday as well. Email Bob Hood at bob@hoodpromotions.com.

Time Schedule and Meeting Locations:

La Costa Canyon — Saturday 6/22 - 1 Maverick Way, Carlsbad

  • Please arrive by 7:30 and gather in the East endzone of the field (opposite the scoreboard) Game rules and final assignments will be explained. You will meet your mentors.

Referee and Umpire Clinics — Please arrive by 8:45 at the LCC locker room area East of the field.

We will be meeting in rooms in that building. Uniform will be shorts. Lunch will be provided at 11:40

Officials will be selected to work the championship games in the afternoon based upon mentor selections and availability. Championship games start at 1 and finish at 4:30

USD - Sunday 6/23 - 1307 Torero way, San Diego

  • Please arrive by 8:15 and gather in the Parking Structure near Torero Stadium. The three playing fields will take a few minutes to walk/drive to so arrive by 8:15 please.

Game rules and final assignments will be explained. You will meet your mentors. Lunch will be provided by USD

Officials will be selected to work the championship games in the afternoon based upon mentor selections and availability. Championship games start at 4:00 and finish at 6:15

Please note: there is still a need for some officials to work on Sunday — mostly in the afternoon starting at 12:45 — So, if you have a morning commitment and want to have some fun in the afternoon, and work with NFL and NCAA officials, contact Bob Hood at bob@hoodpromotions.com.

If you arrive for the afternoon session. please check in with Mike Sotelo (760 473-1074) who will be managing the schedule. He will be located at the top of Torero Stadium! - Uniform will be shorts.

National Rules Test Part 1 — First 20 questions plus answers at the end. Let's start some serious rules review.

  1. At the snap, at least five A players shall be on their line of scrimmage and no more than five A players may be backs.

    1. True

    2. False

  2. The penalty for illegal kicking or batting is 5 yards.

    1. True

    2. False

  3. Ready-for-play signifies that the ball may be put in play by a snap or a free kick with 25 seconds or 40 seconds on the play clock.

    1. True

    2. False

  4. The penalty for a player who is not properly equipped is to remove that player for at least one down.

    1. True

    2. False

  5. The passer continues to be a defenseless player until the legal forward pass ends or the passer moves to participate in the play.

    1. True

    2. False

  6. The signal for free kick infractions, other than encroachment of the neutral zone is Signal 18.

    1. True

    2. False

  7. At the option of the offended team, the basic spot may be the succeeding spot for fouls by K during a free or scrimmage-kick down (other than kick-catch interference) prior to the end of the kick when K will not be next to put the ball in play.

    1. True

    2. False

  8. The ball becomes dead and the down is ended when a prosthetic limb comes completely off the runner.

    1. True

    2. False

  9. No player or nonplayer shall trip an opponent.

    1. True

    2. False

  10. Effective with the 2024 season, the entire body of the number shall be a single solid color that clearly contrasts with the body color of the jersey.

    1. True

    2. False

  11. The horse-collar foul is enforced as a live-ball foul.

    1. True

    2. False

  12. By state association adoption, use of instant replay is allowed only for postseason contests.

    1. True

    2. False

  13. During a kick, an offensive player may use his hands or arms to ward off an opponent who is attempting to block him.

    1. True

    2. False

  14. It is not forward-pass interference if contact by B is obviously away from the direction of the pass.

    1. True

    2. False

  15. Game officials may use supplementary equipment to aid in game administration as authorized by the state association.

    1. True

    2. False

  16. An artificial arm may not be worn by any player.

    1. True

    2. False

  17. Decorative markings in the end zone may be within a foot of the goal line.

    1. True

    2. False

  18. When RI gains possession of a free kick, blocking below the waist by teammates is legal.

    1. True

    2. False

  19. It is recommended that the restraining line be marked by placing 12-inch-long lines, separated at 24-inch intervals.

    1. True

    2. False

  20. A down ends when the live ball becomes dead.

    1. True

    2. False

1 .       B        False 2-14-1, 7-2-5a

  1. B False 6-2-1 PENALTY, 9-7 PENALTY

  2. A True     2-35

  3. A True     1-5-4, 1-5-5, 3-5-10e, 3-6-2, 9-8-1h

  4. A True     2-32-11, 2-32-16a

  5. B False 6-1-3b PENALTY, 6-1-4 PENALTY, NFHS Official Football Signals

  6. A True     10-4-2 EXCEPTION

  7. A True 4-2-21

  8. A True     9-4-30

  9. A True     1-5-1c(6)

  10. A True    

  11. A True     1-3-7 NOTE, TABLE 1-7

  12. A True     2-34b

  13. A True     7-5-11 c

  14. A True     1-3-7

  15. B False 1-7

  16. B False 1-2-3h

  17. B False 9-3-2

  18. A True     1-2-3d

  19. A True     2-7-1, 4-2-2

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