Weekly Bull 7/10/19


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

Here is the first Weekly Bull of the 2019 Season!  Please remember our 1st meeting is this Wednesday at 7:00pm at Challenger Middle School - 10810 Parkdale Avenue in the Mira Mesa area.  Parking is on the street, in the front parking lot and in the back parking lot via an access road on the south side of the school.  Instructional Kits (packets) will be available for pick up starting at 6:00pm.  Tony Sands will also be in the front of the auditorium signing up new or returning officials - RECRUIT SOMEONE TODAY! - Steve Coover, Instructional Chair.


Wednesday’s Agenda
-Introductions: Special Guests, Board Members, Crew Chiefs, Recruiting Committee, New 1st Year Members
-Vote to Amend Constitution and By-Laws
-SDCFOA Youth Football Scholarship Awards
-Annual Reports: Executive Secretary Ed Zapolski; Treasurer Tony Sands; Assignment Secretaries Tom Ables, Bob Duggan & Brad Cowan; Banquet Chair Bob Hood
-Awarding of patches to new regulars
-Keynote Address - 
Mike Pereira
-Message from the President - Greg Covington
-Annual Report - Instructional Chair Steve Coover  - Packet Contents, Bull & New Rules, New Mechanics Insert then  Adjourn to Classroom

Instructional Goals for 2019:

  1. Emphasize the theme “Preparation” throughout the 2019 instructional program whenever possible.

    Incorporate more rules study into the instructional program, spending less instructional time on the Weekly Bull.

    Provide “Cut Ups” training during each position clinic.

    Edit the 2018-19 SDCFOA Mechanics and Philosophies Manual.

    Evaluate player disqualification data from 2018 and share that data with all coaches and conferences.

    Evaluate and propose any necessary adjustments to the observer program, ratings program, and Youth Football Crew Chief selection process.

    Begin the development of a “Visual Case Book” of rules and mechanics using the existing SDCFOA Hudl library. 

Umpire and Referee Clinic - For all Umpires and Referees - plus anyone who is interested (but not 1st year or 2nd year officials) - Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00 pm at Challenger Middle School Auditorium.  Garth DeFelice (NFL Supervisor of Officials and Super Bowl Official) plus Brian Bortness (NCAA DIII Referee) will be presenting: Referee and Umpire Mechanics and the Development of Great Communication! Special emphasis will be placed on Initial Keys, Run/Pass Zone Coverage, and the Disintegration of the Zones. All 1st year, 2nd year, and transfers must meet in their regular classes and will not attend this session. All certified are invited to attend!
2019 - New Rules:

  1. Redefined requirements for a legal scrimmage formation. (2-14-1, 7-2-5a) 

    Rationale: A legal scrimmage formation now requires at least five offensive players on their line of scrimmage with no more than four backs. This change will make it easier to identify legal and illegal offensive formations.

    40-second play clock.(2-35-1, 3-6-1, 3-6-2a, 7-2-1)

    Rationale: To have a more consistent time period between downs, the rules committee approved situations where 40 seconds will be placed on the play clock. The new rule defines when 40 seconds will be placed on the play clock and when 25 seconds will be placed on the play clock.

    Prohibition on tripping the runner. [2-45, 9-4-3o (NEW), 9-4-3o PENALTY (NEW)] 

    Rationale: In an effort to decrease risk, tripping the runner is now prohibited. It is now a foul to intentionally use the lower leg or foot to obstruct a runner below the knees.

    Illegal kicking and batting penalty reduced. (6-2-1 PENALTY, 9-7 PENALTY) 

    Rationale: The penalty for illegally kicking or batting the ball was reduced from 15 yards to 10 yards.

    Horse-collar tackle addition. (9-4-3k) 

    Rationale: Grabbing the name plate area of the jersey of the runner, directly below the back collar, and pulling the runner to the ground is now an illegal personal contact foul. 

2019 New Mechanics – Please refer to the 2019 SDCFOA New Mechanics Insert.  This insert should be added to your SDCFOA Mechanics Manual
2019 SDCFOA Meeting Schedule attached for you to download!
Dropbox file: MEETINGS 2019.doc

July 10 2019
Word – 60.0 KB 459 downloads