Weekly Bull 7/18/01

San Diego County Football Officials Association, Inc.

A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation The Weekly Bull - 7/18/01


  1. CAV, attendance, and Registration (1 st timers)

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. New Rules

  5. Mechanics — 2-Man, 3-Man, 4-Man

  6. Clinics and Scrimmages (see attachment)

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Reminder: The exams will again be taken as an individual. The tests are fair, but you must study!

  2. Keep recruiting! You are the best recruiters so think of someone to bring into the fraternity of football

  3. If you have a change of address or phone number, please let Korry Belmontez know about it immediately, and in writing!

  4. If you have a change in availability, let Jim Sibbet and the appropriate assignment secretary (Bob Duggan — South County; Brad Cowan — North County) know immediately, and in writing!

  5. If you want a copy of the association's annual budget — see Mike Downing, or board-meeting minutes see Nathan Weiss.

  6. Banquet Date — Wednesday, November 14th @ Sea World. Cost is $15.00 and payable to Robin House before and after each meeting!

  7. If you have "gently used" officiating gear - shirts, knickers, socks, shoes, flags, bean bags, etc. - and are considering disposing of it or replacing it this season, your Association can put it to good use! Please donate it to the Used Gear Locker and it will be passed on to "officials in need." See Dave Fleischman in Room E-9 before or after every July and August meeting to donate items.

  8. CHARITY FUND GOAL for 2001

    • We intend to raise $10,000 that will come from

    • 1/2 from outside support — corporation and individuals in SD County

    • The other $5,000 from you the members of our Association


  • Our goal can be met with your support by making a pledge to contribute a game check that you earn from working during

  • OCTOBER 18, 19 and 20

  • If each official contributes the equivalent of a Pop Warner game fee the FUND would raise the $5,000 we are seeking from our membership

  • We will begin to solicit your pledge prior to the August 1, 2001 meeting.


  • Only your support can make our fundraising successful

  • Updates in the "THE WEEKLY BULL"

  • Golf Tournament scheduled for Wednesday, November 14, 2001 to be held at MIRA MAR — see Charles Washington

  • Grant Application forms are available from any Fund member or crew chief.

  • Any questions, please call Jake Minger 1-760-436-2661 or email jminger@msn.com Thank you for your continued support!

Food For Thought (Mechanics Reminders from George Schutte):

  1. Good mechanics requires knowledge and physical execution of positions, responsibilities, coverages, and signals.

  2. A majority of critical game ratings of officials are based on poor mechanics.

  3. All positions are equally important, and all officials are part of the crew. The game is either well officiated by all, or poorly officiated by all.

  4. Teamwork and cooperation is essential. This requires verbal communication, eye contact, supporting each other, and every official knowing and doing his job in harmony with others.

  5. The pre-game is very important; it sets the mood for the game. Come prepared, concentrate on the task at hand. Don't monopolize the conversation with stories and improbable what ifs. Don't invite friends, relatives, or outsiders to the pre-game.

  6. The purpose of good mechanics is to place each official in the right place at the right time, so that all game action can be observed. Officials must "box in" the play as much as possible. One official must have sideline responsibility at all times. One official must be in position to view all player action at all times, especially away from the play or ball action.

  7. Continue to officiate the dead ball action/period.

  8. Keep the game under control by being on the job. Let the players know that you are there and ready to act if needed.

  9. No inadvertent whistles; concentrate, see the ball dead by rule before you kill it; be careful when screened out, don't guess.

  10. Know and give good, crisp, clear, proper signals.

  11. Don't let haste interfere with good officiating, ie, never hurry an injured player back on his feet or off the field. In the event of unusual situation, stop the game, review the problem, and communicate with captains and coaches.

Crew Chiefs & Instructors:

Crew Chief & Instructors Meeting Registration

  1. Adding new students to your roster

  2. Paying Instructors

  3. Coaches cards — soon

  4. I st and 2nd year evaluation forms — if needed

  5. Clinics and scrimmages — emphasize that the list is for scheduling their scrimmage. You must work your scrimmage. Other scrimmages are optional. If you go to another scrimmage, you are a guest. Don't expect a certain amount of work!

  6. Sibbet

  7. Other

Bull 7 18 01
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