Weekly Bull 7/27/16

All 1st Year and 2nd Year Officials – You will continue to meet in your regular classrooms at Santana every meeting.  I am hearing good things about both of our probationary classes both in the size of the classes and the quality of official!  We have 50 in the 1st year class and 29 in the second year/transfer class.  Keep up the great work and see you this Wednesday 7/27 at 7:00pm. 

Umpires and Referees - All umpires and referees need to attend this week’s clinic with Garth DeFelice., but all are invited to attend.  It will be held this Wednesday 7/27 in room 804 at 7:00 pm.  Room 804 is located in the second row of buildings on the north side of the campus near the parking lots. I suggest you bring your instructional packets as they contain the slides that Garth will be using and you can take notes and follow along. 

Meeting Options for Next Week’s Meeting 8/3/16 - Even though regular/certified officials can meet at Cathedral HS or Santana next week (8/3/16), I’m asking as many of the instructors as possible to come to Santana and meet with their regular classes so as not to disrupt what we’re doing at Santana.  Generally, about 60-80 officials meet at Cathedral so that leaves a large majority of our officials at Santana so please have coverage for your class or be at West Hills.  We will be having an Instructor’s and Crew Chief Meeting from 6:15 to 7:00 at Santana.  

San Diego County Sports Officials Hall of Fame 2016 Induction Ceremony - will take place Tuesday, September 13th at 6:00 pm.  Inductees will include football officials Bob Hood and Mike Weseloh.  Please join us in celebrating their contributions to football officiating.  You may purchase tickets on the website at www.sandiegosportsofficialshof.com/2016-induction-dinner.  Credit cards will be accepted on the website. 

Mechanics Exam – This will be a common sense exam based upon the 2016 SDCFOA Mechanics Summer Study document.  There will not be questions asking for the following but do you have them committed to memory?

Seven Types of DPI

Not playing the ball

Playing through the back

Grab and restrict

Arm bar

Cut off

Hook and restrict

Face guard

Three Types of OPI

Creating Separation

Driving Through

Blocking Downfield

Five Categories of Holding

Grab and restrict

Hold and restrict

Jerk and restrict

Pull down or take down


Facebook, twitter, Instagram. Etc. – My recommendation is that you keep your officiating off of any social media and keep your social media squeaky clean. PS.  What does your Arbiter picture look like?  Is it somewhat professional? It should be a clear, fairly close-up “head shot” in a shirt with collar (SDCFOA shirt!?) or shirt and tie if you want to be very professional.  Not an action photo or casual image.  Thank you! Let me know if you need help in uploading a new photo as it can be troublesome.  Best to use internet explorer and use an Adobe JPEG file.

July 27 2016
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