Weekly Bull 7/10/13


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org


2013 North-South San Diego

County All-Star Game

Friday, July 12, 2013

Kick-off at 7:30 pm

Mesa College

Referee – Dave Garza

Umpire – Dan Hopwood

Head Linesman – Ron Gillenberg

Line Judge – Jim Herrera

Field Judge – Dave Vigil

Side Judge – Brian Bortness

Back Judge – Gary Gittelson

Tonight’s Agenda

  1. Introduction of Special Guests

  2. Introduction of Board members

  3. Introduction of new Crew Chiefs

  4. Announcements:

    • Executive Secretary

    • Assignment Secretaries

    • Treasurer

    • Instructional Chair

    • Banquet Chair

    • Recruiting Committee - Intro of New 1st Year Members

  5. Awarding of patches to new regulars

  6. Adjourn to Classrooms

    • Packet Contents, Bull, New Rules & New Mechanics

2013- New Rules:

SOLID-COLORED TOWELS NOW LEGAL (1-5-3a(5)a): The committee modified the rule regarding the authorized wearing of a moisture-absorbing towel. Towels that are one solid color may now be worn, as long as they are not the color of the football or penalty flag. The towel cannot have no more than one visible manufacturer’s logo/trademark, which cannot exceed 2 ¼ square inches in any dimension. Towels worn by teammates must be the same color. Previously, the towel could only be white and unmarked.

USE OF COMMUNICATION DEVICES EXPANDED (1-6): The committee has expanded use of communication devices to allow, coaches, players and nonplayers to use any form of available communication technology during authorized conferences outside the 9-yard marks (7-yard marks in nine-, eight- and six-player competition), on the sidelines and during the halftime intermission period. Use of communication devices by players except during conferences outside the 9-yard marks continues to be prohibited.

DEFINITION OF A CATCH CLARIFIED (2-4-1): The committee clarified the definition of a catch. An airborne player who has forward progress stopped inbounds and is carried out of bounds by an opponent before contacting the ground is awarded a catch at the spot of forward progress.

LOSS OF HELMET AFTER THE DOWN (3-5-10d): The committee clarified that if the helmet comes completely off during subsequent dead-ball action related to the down, and is not directly attributable to a foul by the opponent, the player must leave the game for at least one down (unless half-time or overtime intermission occurs). An official’s time-out shall be called.

KICK-CATCHING INTERFERENCE (6-5-6 PENALTY; 2-9-2; 5-2-1; 5-2-2; 6-5-4; 10-4-2b):

The committee added a 15-yard penalty to the existing option of accepting an awarded fair catch for kick-catch interference. The option to try a scoring free kick after an awarded fair catch remains.

PASS INTERFERENCE PENALTIES REVISED (7-5-10 PENALTY; Table 7-5): This rule change removes the automatic first down for defensive pass interference and the loss of down for offensive pass interference. The 15-yard penalty provision remains for both fouls.

CLARIFICATION ON SCORE ON A TRY (8-3-3): The committee clarified that the touchdown scoring team is the only team that can score on a try.

BLOCKING ON FREE KICKS REVISED (9-3-8c NEW): A new provision added to the existing rule stipulates the kicking team may initiate contact once the receiving team has initiated a block within the neutral zone.

INITIATING CONTACT WITH A HELMET-LESS OPPONENT (9-4-3l NEW): In the interest of minimizing risk, the committee added a new illegal personal contact foul. This foul is charged to any player who initiates contact with an opposing player whose helmet has come completely off.

ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION FOR PLAYERS CONTINUING TO PLAY WITHOUT A HELMET (9-6-4g NEW): Continuing with focus on risk minimization, the committee determined that a helmet-less player shall not block, tackle or otherwise participate beyond the immediate action in which the player is engaged when the helmet came completely off. The penalty would be a live-ball, basic-spot foul. 

2013 New Mechanics: – (Manuals are available for download on-line at www.sdcfoa.org)

  1. For the 2013 season and by consensus of the crew and/or direction from the Crew Chief of any high school game, a crew may choose to wear a new 2 ¼” wide striped uniform shirt at all levels of high school game provided all members of the crew wear the same style of shirt. The 2 ¼” striped shirts are mandatory for all games at all levels starting in 2014. 

  1. During the month of October, only a SDCFOA approved Pink Whistle and lanyard may be used by the crew in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All other uniform requirements remain the same during this month. 

  1. REFEREE and UMPIRE confer with coaches and check game balls. Be businesslike and cordial but not overly friendly with the coaches. During the Pre-Game meeting with the coaches, the REFEREE shall confirm (but not be limited to) the following information starting with the HOME TEAM:

  • Introductions – My name is (your name) and I’ll be your referee tonight. (Coach’s Card)

  • Everyone legally equipped?

  • Any unusual plays or formations?

  • My watch/the game clock has the correct time; we will come for the captains in 15minutes.

  • Is this a homecoming?

  • Will you be going in before kickoff?

  • Where will you go at halftime?

  • As you know we will expect good sportsmanship tonight.

  • Can we see your game ball, please?

  • In order to hear and see a signal from the sideline for a Time Out, you may enter the field so as to alert any/all officials to stop the clock.

  • Good luck, coach

  1. Timing 5-Man Mechanics - The Line Judge will have responsibility for keeping the game clock on the field and the BACK JUDGE is responsible for the 25-second clock. In 4-Man Mechanics - The LINE JUDGE will have responsibility for keeping the game clock on the field and the REFEREE is responsible for the 25-second clock.

  1. With the concurrence of the assigned REFEREE, if the HEAD LINESMAN or the LINE JUDGE has a dead ball foul prior to the snap, the flank official shall blow his whistle (staccato) and throw his flag in the air then give the “Stop the Clock” signal. While running from the sideline, the flank official shall give the appropriate signal for the foul (encroachment, false start, etc.). If flags are thrown by both flanks, prior to signaling, they shall meet in the middle of the field and agree on the foul before informing the REFEREE.


    1. All officials will be in their regular positions for a scrimmage down. If team A shifts to a formation normally used for a PAT or attempted field goal, the HEAD LINESMAN and LINE JUDGE will stay in their regular scrimmage down positions and the UMPIRE will move to the unoccupied goal post to rule on the kick success or failure. UMPIRE will still maintain responsibility for protecting the snapper.

    2. The BACK JUDGE will retain primary responsibility for the whistle

    3. Prior to the snap, the UMPIRE and BACK JUDGE will establish eligible receivers on their respective sides of the offensive formation.

    4. If the play is a fake kick, the UMPIRE will attempt to get to his normal scrimmage position while the remaining officials maintain their usual scrimmage play responsibilities. 

  1. If directed by a signal from the REFEREE in a “Hail Mary” situation, the LINE JUDGE may establish his position at the goal line or up to 15 yards down field in anticipation of a last second desperation play.

  1. The SDCFOA Mechanics manuals never reference the HEAD LINESMAN pivoting on the forward progress spot to assist the down-box operator. The Board voted NOT to add this mechanic to the manuals.

  2. Officials are asked to be aware of the conduct of the two teams for the 30 minute warm up period that usually exist between the JV and Varsity games in a double header situation. We are responsible for all actions by the two teams during this period “as we are able to be present”.  In tense situations, we may have at least one official remain on the field during this warm up period.

Food for Thought:

  1. Do you have any conflicts of interest? Here are some possible conflicts of interest to consider when deciding if you might have one and need to block yourself from working a particular school:

    1. Your alma mater – Don’t work games at your high school if you’ve graduated within the last five years. If you still have ties to the school, were a noted athlete, or still good friends with members of the coaching staff, 10 years or longer would apply.

    2. Family connections – Don’t work games at a school if you have a family connection to it.

    3. Business ties – If you are employed by a school, don’t officiate that school’s games. Also be careful of bosses whose kids play for a particular school.

  2. Coach’s Cards

    1. Coach’s Cards can be filled out and downloaded at sdcfoa.org under Educational Resources and Football Mechanics.

    2. These cards are to be presented to the head coach at the Pregame Meeting or at the sideline meeting between the flank official and his head coach.

    3. Coach’s Cards are to be provided at EVERY high school VARSITY game.

  3. Ratings – The SDCFOA uses seven criteria to evaluate our performance, individually and as a crew. They are:

    1. Pre-Game / Time Management – 5%

Prepare for your pre-game.  Contribute but don’t dominate.  Be organized, know where you’re going and how long it will take you to get there!

  1. Hustle, Uniform, Equipment and Appearance – 5%

Get in shape NOW.  Update your uniform and equipment.

  1. Rules Knowledge – 20%

Get in a study group.  Read Rule #1 then read Case Book for Rule #1.  Move on to Rule #2…or establish your own system for reading the rule book and case book.  You also have the Rules Summer Study!

  1. Rules Application and Judgement – 20%

Rules + Mechanics + Judgement = penalty or no penalty.  Next step, honestly review your work with Hudl


  1. Demeanor – 20%

Be nice….all of the time…..to everyone!  Be open to critical feedback.

  1. Mechanics – 15%

Read the Mechanics Manual each year.  Refer to it often.  Use the Mechanics Summer Study!

  1. Communication and Control – 15%

Use proper signals.  Communicate with players and coaches in a positive, calm manner.  Be a great dead ball official.

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