Weekly Bull 7/5/00


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Kits in the Theater

  2. General Meeting in the Theater

  3. Adjourn to the classrooms

  4. Classrooms

  • Attendance

  • Registration

  • Announcements

  • Homework – New Rules & Mechanics


  1. Recruit New Officials – The best new officials consistently are recruited by our own.

  2. Skull & Suppository – Never too soon to nominate. Turn the nominations in to President McCoy.

  3. Banquet Date: November 15th @ Sea World. Line up those raffle prizes! See House, before or after class to either pay for the banquet or submit raffle prizes.

Food for Thought:

  1. The basic components of football officiating are:

            Rules – knowledge and proper application.

            Mechanics – knowledge and execution.

            Judgement – knowing the game, anticipation, common sense.

  1. Learning can take place through individual study, group discussion, testing, etc. You must constantly review and study, using different methods and materials.

  2. Learning can take place through experience. Experience is the only value when it results in growth, development, and improvement. The good official is an introspective and reflective person who knows enough to know if he has done a good job, or not. The good official profits from experience, good or bad, but he has to know the difference.

  3. Develop good habits; habits are contagious; stress good habits at all times.

  4. Be prepared; it will allow you to concentrate on the job to be done.

  5. Keep a calendar of accepted game contracts.

  6. Know where you are working; how to get there, travel time, parking, and dressing facilities.

  7. Have a game day review; rules, mechanics, situations for the position assigned.

  8. Use a checklist to pack your gear.

  9. Arrive at the game site early so that you have time to unwind.

  10. Do not invite friends or outsiders into the dressing room or pre-game.

  11. Present the image of personal cleanliness and proper use of dressing facilities.

  12. Work every game, regardless of level or position, to the very best of your ability.

The following are suggested:

  • Develop the ability to think quickly and make correct decisions in a given situation,

  • Never sacrifice accuracy for speed in making decisions.

  • Know when to hustle and when to be deliberate.

  • Convey the idea of certainty and confidence in your movements.

  • Stay loose without giving the appearance of indifference; staying loose allows the fast reflexes essential to sharp officiating.

  • Know when to concentrate and when to relax; but keep your head in the game at all times.

  • Be pleasant but firm and fearless.

  • Call them as you see them; be consistent, don’t guess, don’t hesitate, and don’t be apologetic.

  • Learn to listen; don’t have rabbit ears or be thick skinned.

  • Don’t worry about your fellow official not doing is job; you do yours.


  1. Registration Information for the Chalk Board:

  • ED Ctr = North City

  • Instructor = You

  • CRN Number = 8530 A

  • Class Title = Sports Officiating

  • Location = Scripps Ranch

  • Day = Wed

  • Time = 6:30 – 9:00

  • Semester = Summer

  • Year = 2000

  • Date Entered = 7/5/00

  • Also fill in all personal info at the top and sign!

  1. John & Steve will collect Roll Book & CAVs each meeting, we will come to your class. Starting next week, we will collect the Attendance Record – Rollcards (this will give you a week to look them over for errors)

  2. Thanks again for your commitment to our program

Bull 7 5 00
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