Weekly Bull 9/27/06


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 9/27/06


  1. Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Video?

  5. Adjourn


  1. Reminder - take your game information with you to the games. This assures you that you are at the correct site, time and date, but also that you know who hasn't shown up yet and you have the phone numbers! 

  2. If you haven't been paid in two weeks after working a high school game please contact Sibbet.

  3. We continue to do exam make ups. Come to room E10 and get your exam done!  Otherwise, exam & Attendance “Make-Ups” will be Wednesday November 8 at 6:30 p.m. Room E10

  4. Ratings – All certified members should be rating via the arbitor. This is not an “optional” activity.  You must rate and we are monitoring.  Any questions, see Bob Duggan!

 Food For Thought:

  1. Play of the day: Fourth and seven for team A from its own 45 yardline.  B1 intercepts a pass at his own six yardline.  After running a few steps, he is hit and fumbles.  The ball rolls backwards and hits the pylon, which is properly placed.  What do we have??

  2. A's forward pass is dropped by ineligible A77 (a) behind the NZ and (b) beyond the NZ. Foul and enforcement?

  3. Tackle A77, starting from a position with his hands on his knees, slowly stands up and resets 2 feet closer to the guard. Simultaneously with A77's shift, wideout  A32, positioned near the numbers, goes in motion.  The ball is then snapped.  Is this a foul?  If yes, what foul?  When does it become a foul?  Who would see it and call it?  Who could help on the call?  Enforcement?

  4. Snapper A50 is in position with his hands on the ball and the QB "in the shotgun." A's linemen are set with their hands on their thighs.  The QB calls "ready" and all the linemen go down to a three point stance.  The ball is snapped at the same time.  The QB throws a 49 yard touchdown pass.  Foul?  When is it called?

  5. What caused the ball to be out of bounds? If team K's free kick touches a player who is straddling the sideline or completely out of bounds and a) the kick ball is completely over the inbounds territory when touched b) the kick ball is over the out of bounds territory when touched

  6. Mouth pieces Pt Loma. Can they be colored by hand so you can see the coloring (not white or clear)?

  7. Player knocked out during the game. The official told the Coach only way he comes back is with a note from an MD. At half time the crew was thanked by the trainer for not allowing the player to return.

  8. Officials who are guests of the crew should stay away from the team box and away from coaches, the chain crew and other team officials.

NFHS Football Case Book Revisions/Clarifications

Page 8, *1.5.1 SITUATION F: A4 is noticed to have a clear tooth and mouth protector. The umpire drops a flag for illegal equipment. RULING: For 2006 and beyond, all tooth and mouth protectors shall be a color other than completely clear or white. The officials should, through normal observations, attempt to verify that each player is legally equipped prior to the ball becoming alive and if illegal equipment is detected, that player must fix the problem or leave the game (1-5-5). If the officials are unable to detect the illegal equipment and the player is observed wearing a completely clear or white mouth protector during the down, a foul is to be called (1-5-6). NOTE: Revise RULING to reflect 2006 rules implementation.

2006 NFHS Football Rules Interpretations

SITUATION 1: The “chain crew” who has been “doing this for 25 years,” wants to have the line-to-gain equipment on the sideline even though there is plenty of room to have the equipment six feet off the sideline on the limit line. RULING: All “chain crews” must comply with Rule 1-3-5b. If the “chain crew” is insistent, contact game administration to address the situation with them.

SITUATION 2: With 3rd down and 12 yards to go from A’s 45 yard line. Quarterback A1 throws a pass to A2 at B’s 45-yard line. Teammate A12 moves to get a better view of the play and enters the field of play at B’s 40-yard line. During the run after the reception, (a) A2 collides with A12 and is thereafter tackled by B1; or (b) B1 slows to avoid A12 as A1 runs for a touchdown. RULING: Illegal participation in (a) and (b). The penalty of 15 yards is enforced using the “all-but-one” principle. Illegal participation occurs since substitute A12 hindered a teammate or an opponent and participated in the play. The spot of the foul is where the participation occurred, not where A12 entered the field. (2-29; 9-6-4a)

SITUATION 3 (TO REPLACE 5.2.2 SITUATION A, PAGE 34): With fourth and 5 from B’s 30, A1 throws a forward pass that is intercepted by B1 on his 10-yard line and returned to B’s 29. While the pass was in flight, ineligible A2 was illegally downfield, and the ball: (a) is muffed by A2 at the 12-yard line prior to being intercepted, or (b) did not touch A2 prior to the touching and interception by B1. RULING: In (a), A has committed two fouls, illegal touching and ineligible downfield. B will decline the ineligible downfield to keep the football, but will accept the foul for illegal touching as the ball will be at B’s 35 following enforcement, and will be B’s ball due to the loss of down foul. In (b), the foul carries a 5-yard penalty. B likely will decline the penalty and keep the ball first and 10 from its own 29-yard line. NOTE: Previous situation not revised to reflect 2006 rules change. (5-2-2; 7-5-12, 13)

SITUATION 4: With fourth and 40 from A’s 10-yard line, A1 runs to A’s 44 where he is downed. During the down, B1 commits a personal foul against A2. RULING: B1’s foul is penalized from the end of the run. It is A’s ball first and 10 from B’s 41-yard line. (2-16-2f; 5-1-2b)

NFHS Football Rules Book Revisions/Clarifications

Key: Underlining shows additions; strikethrough shows deletions.

Page 22, Table 1-7, item 6 – the rules reference should be 1-5-2e d.

Page, 59, Penalty – Illegal forward pass… - (S36) – 5 yards plus loss of down for (Art. 2b, c, d, e) – (S9).

Page 60, Table 7-5 – Under Penalty column for Illegal Forward Pass, need to add e to Loss of 5 Yards and Loss of Down.

Page 67, 9-5-1i – Change was made in part of the Rules Book and not in another. NOTE: For 2006, if this foul occurs, it is a previous spot enforcement and the Personal Foul signal is to be used. Editorial committee has been asked to clarify for future with proposal to rectify enforcement issue, as it is clear that this is not a Personal Foul, but must be enforced previous spot.

NFHS Football Case Book Revisions/Clarifications

Page 8, *1.5.1 SITUATION F: A4 is noticed to have a clear tooth and mouth protector. The umpire drops a flag for illegal equipment. RULING: For 2006 and beyond, all tooth and mouth protectors shall be a color other than completely clear or white. The officials should, through normal observations, attempt to verify that each player is legally equipped prior to the ball becoming alive and if illegal equipment is detected, that player must fix the problem or leave the game (1-5-5). If the officials are unable to detect the illegal equipment and the player is observed wearing a completely clear or white mouth protector during the down, a foul is to be called (1-5-6). NOTE: Revise RULING to reflect 2006 rules implementation. There is no penalty for the 2005 season regarding the color of a tooth and mouth protector; therefore, the referee would wave off this penalty. All tooth and mouth protectors shall be a color other than clear or white.

Page 12, 2.17.2 SITUATION C: Back A9 is lined up behind quarterback A8 within the free blocking zone. As A8 drops back to pass, A9 blocks B7, who was in the free blocking zone at the snap, below the waist. RULING: Illegal block by A9. An offensive player must be on the line of scrimmage and in the free blocking zone at the snap in order to block a defensive player below the waist who was also on the line of scrimmage and in the free blocking zone at the snap.  (9-3-2)

Page 25, Table under *3-7 COMMENT: Delete “Dead-ball foul” and change to “Non-Player Foul” in last column of fourth row of information (on 3-7-3 enforcement line).

Page 26, *3.7.3 Situation B: It is first and 10 on B’s 12-yard line and substitute B12 comes onto the field to replace B2 and communicates with him. Prior to the ball becoming live: (a) B2 leaves the field of play through the end zone and across B’s sideline (does not cross the end line) and continues toward his team box; or (b) B12, seeing that he will be unable to replace B2 before the ball is snapped, returns to his team box; or (c) B2, seeing that he will not be able to reach the sideline before the ball is snapped, leaves the field through the end zone and remains to observe the play; or (d) B12 becomes confused and ­withdraws through the end zone across the end line and goes around the field to return to B’s team box. RULING: In (a), the action is legal as he did not cross the end line. In (b), (c) and (d), it is a dead-ball foul for illegal substitution. A player, replaced player or substitute is required to go directly to his team box. A substitute may not enter and withdraw in the same dead ball interval.

Page 27, 3.7.6 SITUATION: Prior to the snap, B11 recognizes he is to be in the game and he enters on A’s side of the neutral zone. The ball is snapped before B11 gets to his team side. RULING: Illegal substitution at the snap. If the 5-yard penalty is ­accepted, it is enforced from the succeeding previous spot.

Page 32, 5.1.2 Situation B: During A1’s run for a first down to B’s 20-yard line, B12 commits a nonplayer foul for a substitute entering the field during the down, but not participating. Immediately following the down, A1 taunts an opponent. RULING: If accepted, the penalty for B entering during the down is enforced from the succeeding previous spot. After the decision in this foul, A will be penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct and A will have the ball for a new series, first and 10. (3-7-6; 9-5-1a).

Page 34, 5.2.2 Situation A: Delete. (See new SITUATION 3)

Page 45, 7.2.3 Situation B: At the snap, A1 is in a position, which is neither on the line of scrimmage, nor clearly in the backfield. A1 is not on the line because neither his head nor his foot is breaking the plane through the waist of the snapper, and he is not a back because he is penetrating the plane through the waist of his nearest teammate; end A2, who is on the line. The position of A1 is inside that of end A2, who is clearly on the line of scrimmage. When the ball is snapped, both A1 and A2 go downfield and A1 catches a pass. RULING: The position of A1 is illegal when the ball is snapped. A1 is an ineligible receiver because he was not clearly a back. His advance beyond the neutral zone is illegal and when he touches the pass, it is illegal touching offensive pass interference. This is a multiple foul and B has a choice of which penalty to accept. (7-5-6a; 7-5-13) NOTE: Previous situation not revised to reflect 2006 rules change.

Page 50, *7.5.2 SITUATION N: A1 throws a legal forward pass to A5 who is behind the line of scrimmage and who in turn throws another forward pass to A11 who advances the ball for a first down. RULING: The second legal forward pass is illegal. (7-5-2e).

Page 52, 7.5.7 Situation C: A1 throws a pass that is touched behind the neutral zone by B7. The pass touches ineligible A2 beyond the neutral zone and falls incomplete. RULING: Illegal touching Pass interference has not occurred since B touched the ball in or behind the neutral zone. NOTE: Previous situation not revised to reflect 2006 rules change

Page 52/53, *7.5.10 Situation A: During a forward-pass play in which the ball crosses the neutral zone, A1, an ineligible receiver, is illegally downfield and: (a) B1 illegally contacts him with an elbow; or (b) A1 blocks B1. RULING: In (a), the personal foul by B1 and A1’s foul for being downfield combine to make a double foul and the down will be replayed. The contact by B1 is not defensive pass interference because A1 was an ineligible receiver. Defensive pass interference may occur only against eligible receivers. Had there been no contact and had ineligible A1 touched such a pass, the result would have been illegal touching. In (b), it is a multiple foul for an ineligible illegally downfield and also offensive pass interference illegal touching. (7-5-6a; 7-5-13; 10-2-1,3)

Page 55, *8.2.2 Situation B: Delete.

Page 61, Interlocked Blocking – SITUATION 9.2.1G and H: Need to change 9.2.1 SITUATION G to I and 9.2.1 SITUATION H to J.

Page 71, Table under *9-6 COMMENT: Need to change “9-8-1i” to “9-6-4a” in second column of second row of information (Non player enters during down) and change “Succeeding spot (non player)” to “Basic Spot” in fourth column of same row.

Page 86, *10.4.5 Situation C: With fourth and 40 from A’s 10-yard line, A1 runs to A’s 44 where he is downed. During the down, substitute B1 enters the field, but does not participate. RULING: B1’s foul is a nonplayer foul penalized from the succeeding spot. It is B’s A’s ball first and 10 from A’s 49 41-yard line. (2-16-2e; 3-7-6) NOTE: Revised to reflect 2006 rules implementation. 

Bull 9 27 06
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