Weekly Bull 7/21/10


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The Weekly Bull – 7/21/10


  1. Attendance & New Registration (as needed)

  2. Bull – Announcements and Food For Thought 7:00 – 7:30

  3. Federation Exam Part I (Questions 1-50) 7:30 – 8:15

  4. Mechanics/Judgement Video 8:15 – 8:45

  5. Adjourn 8:45


  1. Remember; recycle good used uniforms and auxiliary items to the 1st year class. They will begin buying new uniforms in August.

  2. Next week is the Mechanics Qualification Exam. You can’t become certified or get drafted unless you pass this minimal qualification exam.  Print yourself a copy of the Mechanics Manual and study the responsibilities for every position.  You need to know all positions, not just the one you usually work!!

  3. 1st and 2nd year classes will meet next week exclusively at SDCOE (the usual location).

  4. All certified officials can attend next week’s meeting (7/28) and take the Mechanics Exam at either of two locations – SDCOE or Cathedral Catholic High School. There will be the same video study at both locations so you choose the site that is most convenient to you.

Food For Thought:


(Taken from presentation by Bob Bahne SDCFOA and MWC)

  1. We prepare in advance of the season in order to gain confidence and to be successful.

  2. We prepare for approximately 150 plays per game.

  3. We prepare for approximately 4-5 “Money Calls”.

How do we prepare?

Physical Preparation

  1. Year round conditioning program – stay in shape

  2. Try to maintain set weight goals

  3. Perception is reality in officiating

Mental Preparation

  1. Yogi Berra said baseball is 90% mental and the other half physical. The math is off, but you get the point. Know the game!

  2. Attend study groups in the off season

  3. Watch film-preferably games that you worked. Learn from you mistakes. Everyone else does!

  4. Visualize situations that pose problems – know how you would handle them.

Season Preparation

  1. Most of us can’t control who we work with on a crew. But we can control how we work within that crew. Leave the ego/attitude in the parking lot.

  2. Don’t complain about your schedule. Each game gives you the opportunity to become a better official.

Game Preparation

  1. Always be early. If you are on time – you’re late!

  2. Be ready to work.

  3. Remember first impression is key – both off the field and on!

  4. Be prepared to participate in pre-game discussion.

  5. Know your position well. OWN IT!

  6. Be active in team’s pre-game warm ups.

The Three C’s

  1. Concentration – expect the unexpected every down. Stay focused. Have a pre-snap concentration routine. Some things to tell yourself – every funning play will result in a fumble – every passing play will be incomplete or catch/fumble – every kicking down will have something weird happen – every TD will be at my pylon.

  2. Consistency – Know what a foul is and what isn’t. Don’t guess! – false starts – motion – line-ups- holding – pass interference – personal and unsportsmanlike fouls – Always be a good lead ball official – Your philosophy should remain constant throughout the game.

  3. Common Sense – Mange the game – be efficient! – Time outs, quarter changes, and half times should be timed and enforced – Always answer questions from the head coach, time permitting – always use cross field mechanics – you will be criticized for giving less forward progress rather than more – Thank the chain crew, ball boys, everyone that makes your job easier.

If it was easy, you wouldn’t be doing it! Enjoy the season and good luck!

The 4th C - Communication

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get yourself in trouble during a game is to communicate poorly.  Here are just a few tips from Coover:

  1. Speak when spoken to – don’t initiate conversations expecting the coach has time to chat.

  2. If you don’t really know the coach well, always refer to him as “coach”

  3. If the situation does present itself, be friendly and in a good mood. Convey that you are happy to be working this game, happy to be working his team, and serious about doing a great job!

  4. Always introduce yourself to the coach right before kick off and give a good firm handshake. Repeat your first name if requested.  The coach will usually want to call you by your first name.

  5. Many times you can communicate without even turning to face the coach, you can focus on the line of scrimmage and the snap yet conclude an exchange that’s going on between you and the coach.

  6. Manage your words carefully. Stay as close to the rule book language as possible. Know the rule book!!!

  7. Don’t guess at the rule or enforcement, tell the coach you’ll find out and get back to him the next play.

  8. If you say something that pisses a coach off and you didn’t expect that response, don’t ever say it that way again. Ask another official what he might have said.

  9. Don’t ever say “That’s not my call” If a coach presses you don’t say anything.

  10. Do say “coach I was watching that and it wasn’t a foul” or “I’m sorry coach I missed it”

  11. Always relay requests to the middle of the field. Tell the umpire that the coach is complaining about #79 holding. Relay info to the referee. You can also relay to the far flank official. If you don’t, your coach will keep picking on you because you’re the only one he can get frustrated at!

  12. Don’t ignore your coach, many times a simple nod affirming that you’ve heard him is enough. 

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