Weekly Bull 8/11/10


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/11/10


  1. Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Finish Federation Qualification Exam Part I

  5. Film Study

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Federation Qualification Exam Quiz at the next meeting - August 25th – Again, this meeting is available at SDCOE or at Cathedral High School. Same meeting agenda at both locations.

  2. 1st year, 2nd year will meet next week August 18th.

  3. Scrimmages are less than two weeks away! You want to look good out there so keep up your fitness routine and update your uniform and equipment.

  4. Attendance has been outstanding this year and the mechanics exam scores were some of the best ever. Congratulation!

  5. When should I disqualify myself from working a particular team due to conflict of interest? Some examples are: recently graduated from that school (5-10 years depending on your “Star Status”); children/grandchildren/close relative attends that school; work in that school; work in that district (conflict when playing another district); other????  When in doubt, block that team!  There are plenty of great teams to work, you don’t want to answer the question of bias because of a real or perceived conflict of interest….you’re guilty until proven innocent…don’t do it!!  If you need help in how to block a team contact any of the three assignors.

  6. Keep your availability current! The number of “turnbacks” seems excessive…there is a $10 fee for turnbacks!

Food For Thought:

  1. Power Balance bracelets.  There are two types of bracelets (one is silicon and one is neoprene). Both are adornment and illegal equipment (like the LiveStrong bracelets are).

  2. Protection of the snapper.  Several coaches have stories about fouls being called against them for contact against the center when the opponent was in a shot-gun formation that did not meet the definition of a scrimmage kick formation.  Please review the definition of a scrimmage kick formation and the rule regarding protection of the snapper 9-4-6

  3. From the California State Rules Interpreter – California goes one step farther: “A student-athlete who has been removed for concussion-like symptoms may not participate any further that day. No doctor’s note, no exceptions…..we will discuss this at length and review the symptoms on p.100.

  4. Horse Collar Tackle – confirmed with NFHS that horse collars are all part of the live ball foul…even if the tackle concludes out of bounds.

  5. Adornment – Stop it early….even at the scrimmage. Point it out to the head coach and let them know it won’t be allowed.

Bull 8 11 10
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