Weekly Bull 11/10/15

Finishing the Game – As I’ve said before, ending a game can be one of the more challenging tasks for the entire crew.  Here are some reminders: Constantly check the game clock…be obsessive and compulsive about this as a crew!  Communicate with your head coach about time outs…does he want one after this play?  Keep an eye on your coach and stay in close proximity to him on time outs so he can speak to you and ask questions.  Talk to the players and keep them informed of potential kneel down, or the defense is coming so they can be prepared, or inform that both teams are done here.  Correct any timing errors so we are 100% accurate…maintain your credibility and presence.  Demonstrate that you want the game to end fairly and properly by being 100% accurate in all you do!  And finally, if the clock cannot be stopped and we’re under 25 seconds and the teams are compatible, let the two teams begin shaking hands as this sends the right message of sportsmanship to the fans, teams, and coaches!  Stay over the ball and in position until the clock reaches :00 but let the teams mingle.  At :00 we declare the game over and head for the exit.  Do not seek out coaches but don’t be rude if they want to offer you a nod or thumbs up, or a scowl.  Be professional and defend the game of football at all costs!

It’s Playoff Time – I don’t need to say any more than it’s playoff time!  Huge games.  One team advances and one team’s season ends.  We must respect that.  Prepare extensively for this game.  Be cohesive as a crew.  Trust your crewmate.  Do your job!!!  Remember, you earned this assignment, our assignor has faith in you and your work.  Don’t let him or the Association down.  More importantly, don’t let the players, teams or the game down!  Be professional, demonstrate presence.  And have fun!!!! 

Officials Injury Report – Sammy Totah went down last Thursday and the x-rays showed a fibulae fracture at the distal head (I just copy what I’m given!) He’s off to see his orthopedic doctor but thinking it won’t need surgery. 

Report on Ejections – We had 15 total ejections. 11 were at the varsity level and 4 were below.  Of the 11, 1 was a coach, and two were withdrawn for misapplication of the rule.  So that leaves 8 players properly ejected from games with additional game suspensions.  Even 1 is too many so we will continue to work with players, coaches and officials in hope of eliminating these acts from the game.

Date Change!!! - for the 7-Man Mechanics Workshop Tuesday November 24th at 7:00 pm at West Hills Room S8 – This is a mandatory meeting for all officials who are assigned a 7-man semifinal or 7-man final. We’ve changed the date so we’re not asking you to meet on the night before Thanksgiving!  The presenters will be Chris Wiggins, Marlow Fitzgerald, Scott Reilly, Andy Castagnola and Don Carey.  Our 7-Man Mechanics Manual is posted on our website and a handout by position will also be distributed in advance via email from me.

This will be the final Weekly Bull – As we get to the final weeks of the season I just want to thank all of our SDCFOA family of officials for a great year.  I’ve enjoyed seeing more of you work than I have in the past 9 years and you were impressive to say the least.  I hope you found some pieces of wisdom or reminders of good officiating practices within these bulletins.  Last week I was handed a pre-game Information Sheet that the crew uses weekly.  It included well organized information on the game, the teams, coaches, facility, pre-game discussion topics, overtime review, detailed clock awareness points of emphasis, important items for reinforcement AND the SDCFOA Weekly Bull. Once again, our crew chiefs individually and collectively add to our association!  Great job! Get better!

Weekly Instructional Video – I will continue to send a Weekly Instructional Video for the next few weeks.  It is a quick way to share ideas and officiating concepts and principles…and I hope fun to watch.  I hope you will continue to watch games during the playoffs if you’re not assigned.  Come out and support your fellow officials as they work these extremely important games!  You will always learn something new and useful.  See you at the games!

Entry to CIF Playoff Games – Please note that our SDCFOA Association Pass is not good for any playoff games.  If you are assisting a crew, then you must enter the facility/field with the crew.  Do not go to the gate and ask for entrance because you are an official.  This will not work and is an embarrassment to our Association.  I am contacting CIF to see about the $5 playoff passes we obtained last year.  We’ll see.  If they are available, I can have them for the banquet along with all of the credentials for the crews, chain crews and timers.

Bull 11 10 15
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