Weekly Bull 8/5/15


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL - August 5, 2015


  1. Sign in and Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Film Study

  5. Mechanics Exam

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Even though regular/certified officials can meet at Cathedral HS or at West Hills this week, we will be having an Instructor’s AND Crew Chief Meeting from 6:15 to 6:45 at West Hills Room S8.

  2. All 1st year and 2nd year officials must meet in their regular classrooms at West Hills every meeting.

  3. The San Diego County Sports Officials Hall of Fame 2015 Induction Ceremony will take place Tuesday, September 22nd.  Inductees will include football officials Frank Alfano and Ed Zapolski.  These amazing gentlemen deserve our support at this event which honors their hall of fame careers and dedication to the SDCFOA. Let’s fill up the room with football officials and have the kind of celebration these two deserve! You may purchase tickets on the website at sandiegosportsofficialshof.com/induction-dinner.  Credit cards will be accepted on the website.

  4. Scrimmages are a little more than two weeks away! You want to look good out there so keep up your fitness routine and update your uniform and equipment. Don’t forget your stretching routine to prevent injury and donate gently used equipment and uniform to the first year guys.

  5. Attendance has been very good so far. Keep it up.  The assignors will be checking attendance after this meeting.  If you are not attending, you will not be given games!

  6. Keep your availability current! The number of “turnbacks” reflects on your professionalism!  Update your availability, NOW!

  7. Reminder, the San Diego CIF Tie Breaker is mandatory for all varsity games in San Diego County CIF (varsity level only!). There are no options.  Any varsity game for any sized division (D1 – DV) must use the 25-yardline tiebreaker when the game ends in a tie score at the end of regulation. The result will be a win or a loss.

  8. Bonus Meeting next week is specifically designed for our crew chiefs – Mike Weseloh will be here Wed. 8/12 at 7:00 pm to present on “Communication”. All officials are invited as this is one of Mike’s favorite topics and one he has demonstrated his expertise as a long standing member of the PAC 12.  You won’t want to miss this one!

Food For Thought:

Working with Head Coaches (from the California Football Officials Association Newsletter)

  1. Make eye contact. A coach wants to be assured that he has you attention. Don’t act distracted.

  2. Never call coaches by their first names. They’ll feel most comfortable, particularly in front of their players, simply by being called “coach.” If you know their last name, it’s ok to say mister.

  3. Show respect to get respect. That means using formal language, keeping communication brief, adopting a neutral tone and avoiding any personal remarks. Stick to the issue at hand in a straightforward way.

  4. Ask them to deal with problem players. Be sure to identify the problem in explicit terms, without making the player to be an evil person. Sometimes it’s hard to do, but it can be accomplished with a careful choice of language.

  5. Remain calm under all circumstances. If a coach moves toward you to “get in your face”, pivot sideways so that you are shoulder-to-shoulder. It is hard for someone to speak in an aggressive, confrontational way when the proximity between parties is side by side (flank officials).

  6. Let coaches have their say. When a coach approaches to protest or argue, adopt an instant “listening mode” and let the aggrieved individual finish his remarks. Don’t interrupt.

  7. Use non-confrontational body language. To be aware of body posture, facial expression, head tilt and arm position, one must say, “I am going to appear receptive and contemplative. I can think best and measure my words that way. I am determined to not escalate the problem.”

  8. If you make a mistake, admit it. A simple apology is sufficient; do not elaborate or rationalize (i.e. make excuses)

  9. When a coach raises their voice, lower yours. A soft voice has a way of triggering a reciprocal soft reply.

  10. Get both coaches together when necessary. Sometimes there is a need to reach uniform agreement in a joint consultation. Weather problems are an example.

  11. Support fellow officials. Never betray partners by showing that you doubt their judgment. Instead indicate faith in someone else’s decision by saying the partner had a better view of a more favorable angle than the responding official or partner.

  12. Acknowledge the coach: “I hear what you’re saying.” “I understand.” Or “I see what you mean.” Are all equally effective. If the next sensible step is to confer with a partner over a controversy, make that next move firmly.

  13. Give praises when proper, promote sportsmanship. When a coach makes a gesture of consideration for the opponents or towards the official, be sure to acknowledge it. Sometimes a smile and nod of the head are enough.

  14. Determine from where the coach is coming. Put yourself in their shoes just as you would in trying to understand a player’s viewpoint. That means having some insight about a coach’s motivation and overall goal. Sometimes how the coach will be viewed in the eyes of the players and team supporters is the primary stimulus for behavior.

  15. Keep your ego under control. Often a mere glance will carry a significant message, whether it’s negative or positive, whether it is meant to curtail dialogue or to encourage it. A quizzical expression can signal a desire for additional input, whereas a frown may denote closure.

  16. Permit the coach to disengage. Recognize (through facial expression, body language, and terminating vocal patterns) when it is time to cease a dialogue. Nothing is gained by insisting on the last word.

  17. Don’t use your hands when talking to a coach. Your gestures will reveal more than you’ll want to convey.

  18. Remember that a coach’s job depends on many factors and doing your best is one of them. He prepares hard for many hours, so you should work hard in being consistent and fair. Help the coach to be a better coach by allowing him to coach and not be overly concerned with officiating. Listen to him, answer his questions honestly, and provide him the respect that he deserves, within the spirit and intent of the rules, and you will reduce his anxieties about one aspect of the game that he cannot control and should not be focused on—officiating. Refereeing a game is not brain surgery, but managing people in a highly emotional environment takes constant awareness and skills. The most successful officials have these skills.

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