Weekly Bull 8/5/20


THE WEEKLY BULL – August 5, 2020 

CIF Status of Football – Nothing new.  We are waiting for the final posting of the new, adjusted calendar which will give us a solid foundation for scheduling our meetings as we prepare for a 2020 Fall season in January.  We will be ready!  The crew instructional zoom meetings are going well as I check in with crew chiefs here and there.  Thank you for your continued leadership and service to our Association. 

Fitness – These are hard times for us all, but we must stay as active as is safely possible.  Walking, jogging, sprinting, lifting weights, calisthenics and stretching, whether inside or outside the house, can be done safely.  Wear your mask and social distance yourself.  And practice good, healthy eating habits.  Stay disciplined! 

Equipment/Uniform Suppliers This list is also provided on the SDCFOA.org website.

Don’t forget to donate gently used equipment and uniforms to the 1st year class!  We will give you directions on how to donate in a future Bull. 

San Diego CIF 25-Yardline Overtime Procedures - is mandatory for all varsity games in San Diego County CIF (varsity level only!).  There are no options.  Any varsity game for any sized division (D1 – D5) must use the 25-yardline tiebreaker when the game ends in a tie score at the end of regulation. The result will be a win or a loss.  The procedure can be found on our website under RULES.  We are not using the “mandatory go-for-two” rule implemented by the NCAA.

Out-of-Town Teams – When a team from out-of-town comes to San Diego to play, they are playing by the CIDSDS rules.  That includes mandatory overtime.  If a team were to refuse to play overtime it would simply be reported to me and I would inform CIF who would award a “win” to the SD team (I assume).  Teams from out of CA may also be surprised that we have a Mercy Rule in CA, and that a player who exhibits signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion is disqualified for the remainder of the game.  Those are the 1- SD and 2 - CA possible differences.  They may be included into your pre-game meeting with the coach. 

Spotting the Ball Following Touchbacks – When a ball goes out of bounds across a sideline, or when a free kick goes out of bounds across a sideline and R chooses not to have K re-kick, the ball will be place at the nearest hashmark.  But what if the ball is dead in the endzone?  We must inform the head coach during the pre-game coach’s conference that we will assume he wants the ball placed in the center of the field, BUT, flank officials must be cognizant that the coach may want the ball placed anywhere between the hashmarks.  He has that right by rule.  Please use the numbering system in our mechanics manual (positions 1-5 starting at the hash closest to the pressbox) to communicate the position selected by the coach.  Use of O2O for this communication is encouraged. 

Quick Tips for Communicating with Head Coaches:

  1. Never, never, never ignore a coach’s request. You may have to inform the coach that you will have to wait a play or two to get the information to the other officials, but never ignore!

  2. Make eye contact. A coach wants to be assured that he has your attention.

  3. Avoid “squaring off with the coach” rather, turn your body slightly at an angle.

  4. Refer to the coach as “Coach” or “Coach Jones”.

  5. Keep your communication brief and formal.

  6. Avoid joking and sarcasm.

  7. Adopt a neutral tone and avoiding any personal remarks.

  8. Stick to the issue at hand in a straightforward way.

  9. Ask them to help with problem players. Be sure to identify the problem in explicit terms, without making the player to be an evil person. Sometimes it’s hard to do, but it can be accomplished with a careful choice of language.

  10. Remember: get used to the coach having the last say. This will most likely end the conversation.

  11. Remain calm under all circumstances. Let coaches have their say. When a coach approaches to protest or argue, adopt an instant “listening mode” and let the aggrieved individual finish his remarks. Don’t interrupt.

  12. Use non-confrontational body language. To be aware of body posture, facial expression, head tilt and arm position, one must say, “I am going to appear receptive and contemplative. I can think best and measure my words that way. I am determined to not escalate the problem.”

  13. If you make a mistake, admit it. A simple apology is sufficient; do not elaborate or rationalize (i.e. make excuses)

  14. When a coach raises their voice, lower yours. A soft voice has a way of triggering a reciprocal soft reply.

  15. Support fellow officials. Never betray partners by showing that you doubt their judgment. Instead indicate faith in someone else’s decision by saying the partner had a better view of a more favorable angle than the responding official or partner.

  16. Give praises to promote sportsmanship. When a coach makes a gesture of consideration for the opponents or towards the official, be sure to acknowledge it. Sometimes a smile and nod of the head are enough.

  17. Keep your ego under control. Often a mere glance will carry a significant message, whether it’s negative or positive, whether it is meant to curtail dialogue or to encourage it. A quizzical expression can signal a desire for additional input, whereas a frown may denote closure.

  18. Don’t use your hands when talking to a coach. Your gestures will reveal more than you will want to convey.

August 5 2020
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