Weekly Bull 7/9/08


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation


2008 North-South San Diego County All-Star Game

Date:   Friday, July 11, 2008

Time:   Kick-off at 7:30 pm   

Site:     Mt. Carmel High School

Referee – Mike Andrews              Umpire – Mike Pittman

Head Linesman – Matt Laycock   Line Judge – Wade Martin

Back Judge – Greg Covington     Side Judge – John Bistowski

Field Judge – Nick Williams

 Tonight’s Agenda

  1. Introduction of Board members
  2. Brad Yosik – Recruiting
  3. Ed Zapolski – George Schutte Award
  4. Introduction of Special Guests
  5. Introduction of new Crew Chiefs
  6. Announcements:
  7. Executive Secretary
  8. Assignment Secretaries
  9. Treasurer
  10. Instructional Chair
  11. Banquet Chair

Football Officials Fees – 2008

Varsity Referee = $69.00

Varsity Other Officials = $67.00

JV All Officials = $57.00

Frosh All Officials = $50.00

  • Awarding of patches to new regulars

  1. Adjourn to Classrooms

  • Registration

  • New Rules and Program Highlights

 Review of New 2007 Rules:

  1. A 4-inch-wide broken restraining line shall be placed around the outside of the field, at least 2 yards from the sidelines and end lines, as an extension of the line limiting the team box area.

  2. A line, 4 inches wide and a minimum of 24 inches in length, shall be centered in the field of play, three yards from each goal line.

  3. If the head coach has been disqualified, a "new" head coach may be designated for the purpose of requesting time-out(s).

  4. When there is a foul by the opponent of the team scoring a touchdown, an enforcement option has been added. The offended team can accept the result of the play; choose to have the penalty enforced on the try; or choose to have the penalty enforcement on the free kick.

Review of New 2007 Mechanics:

5-Man Mechanics - On all PATs and field goals, the Line Judge will be positioned under the goalposts with the Back Judge.  The Umpire will always be positioned 6-8 yards from the LOS on the Line Judge’s side of the line, ready to rule on the snap, action on the center, and all interior line play.

2008- New Rules: (See inside cover of 2008 Rules Book)

2008- New Mechanics:

  1. Blue or white beanbags are OK but will be the same color for all members of the crew. Determined by R.


  1. Continue to reinforce that flanks must move onto the field after the play as all officials “close” on the play then back out when the teams separate.

  2. Encourage officials to “work” their position when teams are going thru their pre-game drills.

  3. Encourage officials to remain outside the sidelines before the game unless they are “working”; watching passers, kickers, receivers, keeping teams separated at the 50-yard line, etc. It looks unprofessional to see officials standing around on the field, especially when teams are not in the area.

  4. No use of non-standard sunglasses.

  5. The use of SDCFOA mechanics rather than the SCCFOA college mechanics.

  6. Following the referee’s signaling the HL the next down, and the spotting of the ball by the umpire (or the umpire’s signal that he has the spot, the HL will pivot facing downfield indicating the down with both hands (one to the referee and one to the box man). The HL will then have the box man move and change the down marker. Once he sees this is done, he will pivot so his back is to the sideline and move back to his position at the sideline. Reason: Last year too many newer officials were trying to do the “college/pro” mechanic and not look at the box and crew. This created a lot of miscommunication and delays in games.

  7. Include penalty enforcement cross-checking in manuals for each level. HL marching with the U and the LJ waiting and then confirming the walk-off.

Pregame Speech:

  • Home team first

  • Referee and Umpire

  • Introductions – My name is (your name) and I’ll be your referee tonight.

  • Everyone legally equipped?

  • Any unusual plays or formations?

  • My watch/the game clock has the correct time; we will come for the captains in 15 minutes.

  • Is this a homecoming?

  • Will you be going in before kickoff?

  • Where will you go at halftime?

  • As you know we will expect good sportsmanship tonight.

  • Can we see your game ball, please?

  • Good luck, coach

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