Weekly Bull 7/9/14


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org


2014 North-South San Diego

County All-Star Game

Friday, July 11, 2014

Kick-off at 7:00 pm

Mesa College

Referee – Rick Christensen

Umpire – Jake Minger

Head Linesman – George Conley

Line Judge – Joe Dantrassy

Field Judge – Garrett Haislip

Side Judge – Bob Hood

Back Judge – Jimmy Christensen

Tonight’s Agenda

  1. Introduction of Special Guests

  2. Introduction of Board members

  3. Introduction of new Crew Chiefs

  4. Announcements:

    • Executive Secretary

    • Assignment Secretaries

    • Treasurer

    • Instructional Chair

    • Banquet Chair

    • Recruiting Committee - Intro of New 1st Year Members

  5. Awarding of patches to new regulars

  6. Adjourn to Classrooms

    • Packet Contents, Bull, New Rules & New Mechanics

2014- New Rules:

GAME OFFICIALS AUTHORITY (1-1-7): Due to teams being on the field earlier than 30 minutes prior to the game, state associations can require game officials to be on the field for pre-game responsibilities more than 30 minutes prior to game time. This change extends the game officials authority in those states.

TARGETING DEFINITION AND FOUL ADDED (2-20-2 NEW; 9-4-3m NEW): Continuing with the focus on risk minimization, the committee determined that taking aim at an opponent with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder, to initiate contact above the shoulders with an intent that goes beyond making a legal tackle, a legal block or playing the ball is prohibited. Furthermore, the committee feels it is important to separate and draw specific attention to this illegal act.

ILLEGAL KICK CLARIFIED (2-24-9): The committee clarified the intent of an illegal kick. When an illegal kick occurs, the loose ball retains the same status that it had prior to the illegal kick.

DEFINITION OF DEFENSELESS PLAYER ADDED (2-32-16 NEW; 9-4-3i(3)): The committee added the definition of a defenseless player in an attempt to continue concentrating on risk minimization. A defenseless player is a player who, because of his physical position and focus of concentration, is especially vulnerable to injury.

END-OF-PERIOD PROCEDURE CHANGED (3-3-3, 4): This rule changes the procedure of determining when to extend a period with an untimed down. In order to extend a period with an untimed down, time must expire during the down.

PROVISIONS TO FREE-KICK FORMATIONS ADDED (6-1-3b, c NEW): Two new provisions were added to adjust the free kick. One provision balances the kicking team’s formation and the other limits the maximum distance of the run-up for the kicking team.

CLARIFICATION OF CREATING A NEW FORCE (8-5-1b NEW): This rule change clarifies that a new force is not created when a player is blocked into the ball.

ROUGHING-THE-PASSER FOULS REVISED (9-4-4): Roughing-the-passer fouls now include all illegal personal contact fouls listed in Rule 9-4-3. These fouls against the passer now result in an automatic first down in addition to a 15-yard penalty.

2014 New Mechanics: – (Manuals are available for download on-line at www.sdcfoa.org)

  1. Allow the use of sunglasses during ANY day game at any level – Studies have shown that exposure to bright sunlight may increase the risk of developing conditions such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and growths on the eye, including cancer. Question was asked about storage or what to do with glasses when no longer needed (after sunset). Direction by the Crew Chief to remove from sight, put in a pocket or bag on the sideline.  Glasses are not to be stored on the brim of the hat or any other visible location.

Pg. 2, 1-h -- Sunglasses or photogray lenses may be worn when working a youth ANY daytime football game providing the sunglasses comply with the official regulations as provided in this manual.

  1. Field Goals and Try – 5-man only – Committee discussion: Less crew movement/confusion prior to snap.  Better coverage on goal line when threatened. 

Pg. 29, 1-e -- The Umpire shall take a position under the goal post on the LJ side of the field if the line of scrimmage is at or inside the 10 yard line.  The LJ shall take a position under the goal post if the line of scrimmage is beyond the 10 yard line.  BJ (5-man) and LJ (4-man) will have the whistle to end play once the ball crosses the end line or the kick is dead by rule. 

  1. On measurements, B to stand with the box and reset as necessary - R can provide spot on the field to place the clip. Proper placement of the box is more important. 

Pg. 6, 6-e-i – Stand with the box during measurement and correctly reset when measurement is completed. 

  1. Umpire communication on goal line plays – An effort to standardize the communication to the flanks that the U has seen the runner in the end zone.

Pg. 20, 2-d-vii – Communicate to flanks with “I’VE GOT BALL” Only signal as agreed upon by the crew on a goal line play if the flank officials look for assistance and you are certain it is a touchdown the ball is in possession and across the goal line.

  1. Anticipated short free kick (4-man only) – On anticipated short free kicks, L shall take a position at the receiver’s restraining line. After U gives the ball to the kicker and provides instructions, U shall take a position on the K restraining line at the side line on either side of the field. 

4-Man Pg. 5, 1-d-vi -- On anticipated short free kicks, provide instructions to the kicker then move to either sideline on K restraining line.

  1. The 2 ¼” striped shirts are mandatory for all high school games starting in 2014.

Food for Thought:

  1. Do you have any conflicts of interest? Here are some possible conflicts of interest to consider when deciding if you might have one and need to block yourself from working a particular school:

    1. Your alma mater – Don’t work games at your high school if you’ve graduated within the last five years. If you still have ties to the school, were a noted athlete, or still good friends with members of the coaching staff, 10 years or longer would apply.

    2. Family connections – Don’t work games at a school if you have a family connection to it.

    3. Business ties – If you are employed by a school, don’t officiate that school’s games. Also be careful of bosses whose kids play for a particular school.

  1. Coach’s Cards

    1. Coach’s Cards can be filled out and downloaded at sdcfoa.org under Educational Resources and Football Mechanics.

    2. These cards are to be presented to the head coach at the Pregame Meeting or at the sideline meeting between the flank official and his head coach.

    3. Coach’s Cards are to be provided at EVERY high school VARSITY game.

  1. Ratings – The SDCFOA uses seven criteria to evaluate our performance, individually and as a crew. They are:

    1. Pre-Game / Time Management – 5%

Prepare for your pre-game.  Contribute but don’t dominate.  Be organized, know where you’re going and how long it will take you to get there!

  1. Hustle, Uniform, Equipment and Appearance – 5%

Get in shape NOW.  Update your uniform and equipment.

  1. Rules Knowledge – 20%

Get in a study group.  Read Rule #1 then read Case Book for Rule #1.  Move on to Rule #2…or establish your own system for reading the rule book and case book.  You also have the Rules Summer Study!

  1. Rules Application and Judgement – 20%

Rules + Mechanics + Judgement = penalty or no penalty.  Next step, honestly review your work with Hudl

  1. Demeanor – 20%

Be nice….all of the time…..to everyone!  Be open to critical feedback.

  1. Mechanics – 15%

Read the Mechanics Manual each year.  Refer to it often.  Use the Mechanics Summer Study!

  1. Communication and Control – 15%

Use proper signals.  Communicate with players and coaches in a positive, calm manner.  Be a great dead ball official.

  1. REFEREE and UMPIRE confer with coaches and check game balls. Be businesslike and cordial but not overly friendly with the coaches. During the Pre-Game meeting with the coaches, the REFEREE shall confirm (but not be limited to) the following information starting with the HOME TEAM:

    1. Introductions – My name is (your name) and I’ll be your referee tonight. (Coach’s Card)

    2. Everyone legally equipped?

    3. Any unusual plays or formations?

    4. My watch/the game clock has the correct time; we will come for the captains in 15minutes.

    5. Is this a homecoming?

    6. Will you be going in before kickoff?

    7. Where will you go at halftime?

    8. As you know we will expect good sportsmanship tonight.

    9. Can we see your game ball, please?

    10. In order to hear and see a signal from the sideline for a Time Out, you may enter the field so as to alert any/all officials to stop the clock.

    11. Good luck, coach

  1. Bonus Back Judge Meeting next Wednesday, July 16th at 7:00 pm at West Hills High School. Brad Yosick will be the presenter so you won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear from one of the best at the back judge position!  We will meet on the football field at West Hills High School (the blue one) at 7:00 pm for a short period of on-field demonstration before walking to the classroom for film study and Q&A.  All are invited to attend this bonus meeting! (except 1st year, 2nd year, and transfers who must meet in their regular classes)

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