Weekly Bull 8/10/11


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/10/11


  1. Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. Finish Federation Qualification Exam Part I

  5. Film Study

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Federation Qualification Exam Quiz at the next meeting - August 24th – Again, this meeting is available at SDCOE or at Cathedral High School. Same meeting agenda at both locations with special guest speakers: Sean Doyle, Head Coach of Cathedral Catholic will be speaking at the Cathedral HS meeting and John McFadden, Head Coach of Eastlake HS will be speaking at the SDCOE meeting.  In both cases, the coaches will be sharing their thoughts on officiating and some of the current trends in coaching and officiating.  We will also have a new video for the class!

  2. 1st year, 2nd year will meet next week August 17th.

  3. Scrimmages are less than two weeks away! You want to look good out there so keep up your fitness routine and update your uniform and equipment.

  4. Attendance has been outstanding so far. Keep it up.  The Mechanics exam scores were also quite good considering two questions had answer key problems (#36 & #37) and I threw in some of the SDCFOA Common Sense philosophies….and even a couple rules questions.  All good for the brain and hope you all enjoyed.

  5. Keep your availability current! The number of “turnbacks” reflects on your professionalism!  And, there is a $10 fee for turnbacks!  Update your availability, NOW!

  6. Facebook – Seems a couple of active officials have head coaches on their friends list. This is cause for speculation on the part of another coach who stumbles onto this relationship.  Either block yourself from that school or remove them from you friends list.  Too much of an apparent conflict of interest.

  7. Interested in becoming an NCAA official? The requirements are that you have been a high school official for five years (working at the high school level for 5 years) and you are rated in the top 50% of all certified officials on the Association end-of-year ratings report.

  8. Arbiter has deployed a major change to the Evaluation Report. The change requires that when an official rates a fellow official’s work with a score of seven (7) (top 1%) the rating official must enter a supporting comment.  Comments are also still required for scores of 3, 2 or 1.  As the season draws near Bob Duggan will send out step by step directions to certified members.  First year, second year and transfer officials are not authorized to submit evaluations.

  9. Where are these officials who haven’t picked up their packets?




Brown, Darrell






Food For Thought:

  1. Adornment – Stop it early….even at the scrimmage. Point it out to the head coach and let them know it won’t be allowed….this includes face painting or excessive eye shade.  Bring back any equipment issues to our meetings or call Coover for clarification.

  2. Re-read page 96 of the rule book. Refresh your memory of the common signs, symptoms and behaviors consistent with a concussion.  If observed, first discuss with the referee and then inform the head coach that, by rule, the player must leave the game and may not return.  All officials take note of the player’s number, team, time and quarter.

  3. New rule: What is the enforcement spot for roughing the passer if B intercepts and is down inbounds? B intercepts and returns it for a TD?  What if B intercepts and then fumbles and A recovers and runs for a TD?

  4. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is coming up and any crew who wishes to participate or acknowledge the awareness effort will be supported by the SDCFOA. Pink whistles or wristbands are common place and approved, other ideas should be run by Coover first, but we will support.

  5. As you know, rehearsed or excessive celebrations meant to draw attention to oneself are an unsportsmanlike foul. We also know that routine celebrations of the military and/or God will be acceptable and sportsmanlike.

Bull 8 10 11
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