Weekly Bull 8/24/16


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org

THE WEEKLY BULL - August 24, 2016

  1. It’s game week! Are you ready for Friday Night Lights!  It continues to be warm.  Don’t forget to hydrate. Does your crew have a person responsible for water and maybe energy bars?

  2. Thank You From the First and Second Year Instructors – Every year our first year officials work their very first scrimmages with the outstanding guidance of some of our best crew members. Then our second year officials work their scrimmage with the help of more outstanding officials.  This year was no different!  Our regular crew members did another amazing job of educating, supporting, and helping to develop the 1st and 2nd year officials’ skills this past week.  Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Association and its membership! – Andy Casagnola, Jeff Phillips, Earl Totty, Jim Sibbet, Ed Blick and Don Carey

  3. Clean up classrooms – Please remember to clean up after yourself. We got one complaint about left over water bottles in the classrooms.  Remember we’re guests!

  4. Put Technology Back – On that same note, instructors and selected individuals who are helping with the technology, please return the technology connections back the way you found them when you first logged in.

  5. HL, LJ, and BJ Clinic– The final clinic will be this Wednesday 8/24.  Don’t miss Scott Reilly (Big 12) and John Downing (GNAC) as they conduct a session together (45 min.) followed by breakout sessions just for the HL& LJ in one room and the BJs in a separate room (30-45 min.)  All will start in Rooms 803/804

  6. George Schutte – George Schutte was the designer of our instructional program and always taught us that the instructional program does not begin and end in the classroom. You must study outside the classroom each week. Have you opened your rule book or case book this week?  You need to read a small section each week!  Then you continue your learning during the halftime and post-game meetings on Friday nights!  Post games are critical!  Then you continue your learning and teaching on Saturdays as you work with other officials including our new ones.  Finally, we attend our classes and participate in the sessions with questions and note taking.  This was George’s design and it works if you engage with discipline!

  7. Problems with Your Coach – If you have a problem with your coach let your referee know. One of the biggest complaints I get from coaches is that the flanks do not communicate their concerns to the referee.  This builds frustration and adds to the original issue.  By the time the referee does get to the sideline he now has to deal with an upset and frustrated coach.  There shall be two officials present for all meetings between the referee and the head coach, but only one speaks – the referee!

  8. Drop Kicks – Legal when used for scrimmage kicks (which includes Punts, PATs and Field Goals), and all free kicks (which include Kick Offs, Free Kicks following a Safety, and “God fobid” a Free Kick following a fair catch! If it’s used for a kick off, the kicker may have the ball on the tee and pick it up to drop kick it, or he may pick it up and move around before drop kicking it as long as he ultimately drop kicks it from within one yard of the original designated spot.  He can’t pick it up and run to the other hash and drop kick it.  The kicker does not have to remain standing with one yard of the designated spot….he can move back and move forward to drop kick it.  All other free kick rules apply- after the ball is marked ready for play and until the ball is kicked, no K players, with the exception of the kicker, may be more than five yards behind the kicking team’s free-kick line. No foot can be on or beyond the line 5 yards behind K’s free kick. If one player is more than 5 yards behind the retraining line, he must kick the ball.

  9. Dead Ball Exceptions for Holders – Please review the dead ball exceptions for holders on page 46 Rule 4-2-2 EXCEPTION. Remember, the holder can have his knee on the ground and then rise to advance, hand, kick or pass.  The holder cannot have his knee on the ground and hand, kick or pass from that position, he must rise.

  10. Targeting, Late Hits & Unnecessary Roughness – Let’s not forget to refer to late contact or unnecessary contact fouls with exact and accurate terminology. Many fouls are simply Personal Foul - Late Hit or Personal Foul – Blocking a Player Who is Clearly Out of the Play. Targeting is taking aim, initiating contact, with the helmet, shoulder, arm, wrist or hand, above the shoulders. Spearing is taking aim, and initiating contact at the shoulders or below with the crown of the helmet. And a Personal Foul – Excessive and Unnecessary Contact is a hit or block against a defenseless player (blind-side block, defenseless receiver) that is judged excessive and unnecessary.

  11. 2016 Ejection/Disqualification Procedure

Steve Coover will coordinate ejections for all high school football games (all levels).           

  1. These procedures apply to all levels of San Diego Section, CIF Sanctioned high school games.   

  2. Please refer to your applicable youth assigner for ejection procedures for youth games. 

  3. Actions that require ejection are found in Rule 9, Sections 4, 5, and 8.  Make sure that your ejection call can be supported by rule.  Flagrant fouls are defined in Rule 2, 16-2-c.  

  4. In addition to the above rule book ejections, the CIF has indicated other actions that require ejection:

  • If in the opinion of the officials, a player leaves the bench area and enters the field to begin or participate in a confrontation, he is ejected, and a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty is assessed. If in the opinion of the officials, a player leaves the bench area and does not begin or participate in a confrontation, he is not subject to ejection.

  • If two players from the same team leave the bench area and enter the field for the same reason, they are both ejected and a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty is assessed.

  • If three or more players from the same team leave the bench area and enter the field for the same reason, all the players that left the bench are ejected and the game is forfeited. (Try to get the numbers of all the players that began to or participated in a confrontation.) If three or more players leave the bench from both teams, it is a double forfeit with both teams recording a loss.

  1. Calling an ejection.

  • Flag the play.

  • Do not immediately eject the player.

  • Discuss the foul with the crew-chief/referee and any other officials that saw the action.

  • If the general consensus is that the foul should result in an ejection, the crew-chief and the official that called the foul should notify the offenders head coach that the player has been ejected and the reason for the ejection. If the official that made the call is the crew-chief, he should be accompanied by the flank official on the side of the offending team.

  • Do not discuss the consequences of the ejection or the amount of suspended games. The amount of games the ejected player has to sit out and other consequences are totally within the jurisdiction of the CIF and may vary from player to player.

  • Do not prolong the explanation for the ejection and do not argue with offender or the offender’s coach. Don’t get into an argument you can’t win.

  • The referee then returns to the field, makes the appropriate signal for the penalty followed by the disqualification signal, (#47) and the umpire steps off the applicable yardage.

  • If a member of the coaching staff is ejected, including the head coach, he “shall be removed from the stadium area…” per 9-8 Penalty.

  • Although permitted by rule, do not eject a fan, parent, administrator or others that are not in the team box. Refer this ejection to the site administrator, or in the absence of a site administrator, to the home team head coach for removal of this individual.    

  1.  Reporting ejections:

  • Call Steve Coover the next day, (619-921-3006), with the ejection. The ejections are reported to the CIF office the first thing Monday morning.

  • Do not write a report of any kind. Do not use the ejection form on the CIF website.  Written accounts are often misinterpreted.

  • The crew-chief, (or the referee in a non-varsity crew game), should call in the ejection.

  • The verbal report should include:

    • The name of the official(s) who made the call.

    • The name and/or number of the ejected individual.

    • Team of the ejected individual.

    • Date and time of the game.

    • Level of the game: Varsity, JV or Freshmen.

    • The home team and the visitors.

    • The site of the game.

    • Time of the ejection, e.g., 4th quarter with 3:05 remaining.

    • The specifics of the ejection. .

August 24 2016
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