Weekly Bull 8/29/12


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/29/12


  1. Sign In and Attendance

  2. Weekly Bull

  3. Hudl Video – Scrimmages 8-29-12

  4. Rules Study Session

  5. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Raise in Pay – The following fees are in effect for the 2012 season and are posted on the CIF Website:

Varsity Referee - $73

Other Varsity Officials - $71

JV Referee $61

Other JV Officials $60

FROSH - $60

  1. “I would like to thank the outstanding crews and officials that officiated and instructed at our First Year Clinics.  I know Tom sent our very best crews and our Association's future is in good hands! Thank you!” Andy Castagnola

  2. The Officials Association thanks all schools for providing a safe, secure dressing facility for our crews. I want to remind all crews that we are guests of the high school and must clean up after ourselves and leave the facilities as we found them, neat and clean.  It is also important that the crew, and the high school administration, make sure that access to the dressing facility is available immediately after the end of the contest for safety purposes.  Thank you!

  3. Be careful leaving personal belongings on the football field while you work. We had an official lose his bag with his wallet, keys, and cell phone.  Fortunately, all was recovered but let’s be careful not to leave important personal items laying on the field.  I was always taught to leave wallets etc. in the trunk of your car.

Food For Thought:

Scrimmages Part I – Getting us all together, as usual was Tom Ables!  Thank you, Tom, for your last second efforts to get the officials to the scrimmage whose time had changed, and to the scrimmage that we didn’t know about.  You work miracles…thank you!

Important Phone Numbers:
Tom Ables – Assignor – (cell) (619) 997-7684 - (home) (858) 272-9179 - assignsdcfoa@aol.com
Steve Coover – Complaints & Rules –  (cell) (619) 921-3006 – (work) (619) 667-6411 – scoover@guhsd.net
Jim Sibbet – Appeal of Ejections – (cell) (619) 709-9080 - (home) (619) 447-1634 - jsibb@cox.net      

Scrimmages Part II – After reviewing video from the scrimmages, we are rusty.  But that is what scrimmages are for!  A special thanks to the schools that have shared video via Hudl.  I have completed cut ups from four of the scrimmages and will use them with our officials this week.  This is an incredible tool for us and we can’t thank the schools and coaches enough!  Our crews are also cutting up video to go over their individual work on Friday night.  We are going to be more prepared for the first game than our Association has ever been.  We are ready to go “live” this Friday!

Helmets – Seems this is going to go smoothly as all seem to be quite aware of the new rule.  Officials, coaches and players were all on the same page.  I did see one LB in the televised game between Rancho Santa Margarita and Brophy Prep try to get his helmet back on quickly so he could stay in the game.  The Head Linesman was alert and the player went out for his required play without incident.  Only one helmet came off in the scrimmage I attended.

JV and Freshman Coaches – Do they know the new rules for 2012?  The major ones are the helmet rule, the new rule restricting the kicking team from blocking until they are eligible to touch the ball (ie. Gone 10 yards and hit the ground), and the QB or other players must wear their playcards on their wrists (not on their belts).

Pre-Season Games – These games can be some of the most competitive and emotional. Especially week #1.  Every team is undefeated and has worked hard to get ready for this night. Our officials have also been preparing for this night by meeting consistently since July 11th, working through Summer Study Exams, taking qualification exams on rules and mechanics, watching more video than ever before, and getting ready physically.  So, this week we go out there and give it our best, to this great game of football.  Good luck to all teams and crews!

Weekly Bull 8 29 12
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