Weekly Bull 8/8/12


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation

The Weekly Bull – 8/8/12


  1. Sign in and Attendance

  2. Announcements

  3. Food For Thought

  4. San Diego Section CIF Varsity Level Tie Breaker

  5. Film Study

  6. Mechanics Exam

  7. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Scrimmages are less than two weeks away! You want to look good out there so keep up your fitness routine and update your uniform and equipment.

  2. Attendance has been very good so far. Keep it up.  Remember, the assignors are checking attendance, if you are not attending, you will not be given games!

  3. The Mechanics exam is a common sense exam. Do you know where you line up and what your basic responsibilities are.  This is not a difficult test as there are no trick questions (until you get to the 5 questions on two-man mechanics J!  All good for the brain and hope you all enjoy.

  4. Keep your availability current! The number of “turnbacks” reflects on your professionalism!  And, there is a $10 fee for turnbacks!  Update your availability, NOW!

  5. Facebook, twitter, Instagram. Etc. – My recommendation is that you keep your officiating off of any social media outside of our association members.

  6. Interested in becoming an NCAA official? The requirements are that you have been a high school official for five years (working at the high school level for 5 years) and you are rated in the top 50% of all certified officials on the Association end-of-year ratings report.

Food For Thought:

  1. Tie Breaker now mandatory for all varsity games in San Diego County CIF (varsity level only!). This is a new rule passed by the CIF Board of Managers.  There are no options.  Any varsity game for any sized division (D1 – DV) must use the 25-yardline tiebreaker when the game ends in a tie score at the end of regulation.  The result will be a win or a loss.

  2. Adornment – Stop it early….even at the scrimmage. Point it out to the head coach and let them know it won’t be allowed….this includes face painting or excessive eye shade.  Play cards must now be on the wrist, not on the belt. Bring back any equipment issues to our meetings or call Coover for clarification.

  3. Re-read page 96 of the rule book. Refresh your memory of the common signs, symptoms and behaviors consistent with a concussion.  If observed, first discuss with the referee and then inform the head coach that, by rule, the player must leave the game and may not return.  All officials take note of the player’s number, team, time and quarter.

  4. New Rule on Free Kicks. What is the intent of this rule?  To prevent K from advancing beyond the free kick and blocking the receivers thus allowing the ball to roll the required 10 yards so they can recover.  If R advances and blocks K, then all bets are off.  If R waits for the kick, then we will see the illegal blocks by K if they occur.  Who has ball?  Who had the blocks?

  5. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is coming up and any crew who wishes to participate or acknowledge the awareness effort will be supported by the SDCFOA.

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