Weekly Bull 8/29/01


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Attendance/CAV’s

  2. Announcements

  3. Food for Thought

  4. Federation Qualification Exam Quiz – Questions 1 - 25

  5. Rules Test

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Banquet Reminder – See Robin House and pay your $20 now.

  2. Do you have your Pop Warner Football Rules handout? If not see Coover, Duggan, or Cowan!

  3. To date the Charity Fund has received pledges from 29 members. The winner of the first 4 tickets to Magic Mountain to Tom Gay. Congratulations, Tom! Members are encouraged to make their pledge for “Game Check Weekend”. We will be awarding 4 more tickets to Magic Mt. for those who make their pledge by Sept 19th (prior pledges will still be eligible). Pledge Forms are available for your instructors!

  4. Federation Qualification Exam Quiz – This is the test used most widely in the U.S. for testing an official’s knowledge of the rules. Good luck and have fun! Beware of always and never statements. We will work our way through it each meeting (except for the position meeting next meeting.)

  5. Test tonight! Everyone that’s the test with the exception of Tom Ables. That includes Coover, Sibbet, and all instructors. 80% is passing, 79% is not. If there is a question regarding interpretation of a test item ask your instructor for guidance. MAKE UPS: Coover will provide make up exams for the certified members who do not achieve the passing score at the November 7 make up meeting. This meeting will be for making up tests and making up poor attendance.

Instructors: Please correct the tests immediately, record the results in the “Hours of Attendance” column of your attendance sheets, and hand out the answers.

Food for Thought:

  1. Football is a game of emotions, stress, strain, pressure and differences of opinion. The good official knows this and remains cool, calm and under control at all times.

  2. At all times officials must:

Be courteous and polite.

Be friendly, but firm.

Make decisions in a positive, but not arrogant manner.

Be courageous, but not belligerent.

Be tactful, but decisive and exacting.

Maintain their poise, but not to appear to be indifferent.

Demonstrate confidence without being cocky.

Be willing to take a little criticism.

Never project the image of being a tough guy.

Never lose their temper. Don’t come across as arrogant!!

  1. When communicating, use a firm but relaxed, normal voice; don’t shout. Choose your words carefully; don’t threaten; avoid problems rather than create them. If questioned, then you are told off, remind them of the reasons for the conversation, or leave.

  2. Players: Treat players in a firm, fair, friendly, impartial manner. Most players will be on their best behavior when the official is doing his job. Stop derogatory talk between players immediately, it may prevent later trouble. Avoid saying anything or doing anything that might be misunderstood.

  3. Coaches: Do not fraternize with coaches, but do not slight them. Do not seek out coaches after the game for the purpose of trying to explain a game situation. This should have been done during the game, or wait until tempers cool. Never argue with a coach.

  4. Fans: accept the fact that fans are usually ignorant of the rules, are highly partisan, and delight in irritating officials. Try to ignore and/or avoid them.

  5. Officials: Be considerate of your fellow officials at all times. Don’t criticize when you are observing a crew. Rather, respect their efforts and provide the needed support.

  6. Be professional; don’t give information or be critical of players, teams, coaches, or your fellow officials.

  7. From the coaches: When/how does a runner reestablish himself as a kicker…ie. Rolling out and then kick the ball downfield at the last moment. But….can there still be a personal foul for unnecessary roughness?

  8. Also from the coaches: Please, take the time to communicate with them. Sometimes our flanks are not letting the referee know that the coach has a question.

  9. Also from the coaches: Sometimes we are shouting at each other (referee and head coach) and the shouting is misinterpreted as anger. How can we avoid this?

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