Weekly Bull 8/30/00


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Attendance/ Roll Books/ CAV’s

  2. Registration Fall Semester / Signal Quiz

  3. Announcements

  4. Food for Thought

  5. Rules Test

  6. Adjourn 8:00


  1. Banquet reminder – See Robin House and pay your $15 now. It goes up at the door. See him before and after each meeting!! (Robin, you owe me $5.00 – Coover)

  2. Pop Warner Football Rules handout will be distributed tonight. Please read it and apply the rules to your next Pop Warner game. See your Pop Warner assignment secretary if you have any special rules questions.

  3. Rosters will be handed out tonight. There will be two separate rosters, one for regulars, associates, and affiliates; the second will have 1st, 2nd, and transfers. Please put these two together to make your complete roster. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Food for Thought:

  1. Player A1 has a legal eye shield attached to helmet but is wearing a pair of dark lens sunglasses to cover his light-sensitive eyes. Ruling: Legal. The only equipment requirement pertains to the eye shield. There is no ruling on sunglasses. Straight from National Federation via Pemberton. El Camino has a player who will be wearing some form of dark lens under his clear eye shield. Ruling: Legal.

  2. Football is a game of emotions, stress, strain, pressure, and difference of opinion. The good official knows this and remains cool, calm, and under control at all times.

  3. A majority of critical game ratings of officials are based on poor relations with players, coaches, fans or other officials.

  4. At all times officials must:

Be courteous and polite.

Be friendly, but firm.

Make decisions in a positive, but not arrogant manner.

Be courageous, but not belligerent.

Be tactful, but decisive and exacting.

Maintain their poise, but not appear to be indifferent.

Demonstrate confidence without being cocky.

Be willing to take a little criticism.

Never project the image of being a tough guy.

Never lose their temper.

  1. When communicating, use a firm but relaxed, normal voice; don’t shout. Choose your words carefully; don’t threaten; avoid problems rather than create them. If questioned, then told off, remind them of the reasons for the conversation, or leave.

  2. Players: Treat players in a firm, fair, friendly, impartial manner. Most players will be on their best behavior when the official is doing his job. Stop derogatory talk between players immediately, it may prevent later trouble. Avoid saying anything or doing anything that might be understood.

  3. Coaches: Do not fraternize with coaches, but do not slight them. Do not seek out coaches after the game for the purpose of trying to explain a game situation. This should have been done during the game, or wait until tempers cool. Never argue with a coach.

  4. Fans: accept the fact that fans are usually ignorant of the rules, are highly partisan, and delight in irritating officials. Try to ignore or avoid them.

  5. Officials: Be considerate of your fellow officials at all times. Don’t criticize when you are observing a crew. Rather, respect their efforts and provide the needed support.

  6. Be professional: don’t give information or be critical of players, teams, coaches or your fellow officials.

Crew Chiefs & Instructors:

  1. Sibbet & Assignments

  2. Review of Tonight’s Agenda (see above)

  3. Attendance – The following were absent 8/23:

Robbins - Dahlen (Drop this guy)

Weseloh – Galizio, Johnson, Ward

Van Zant – Carvajal, Ferguson, Finnerty, (Drop this guy), Mayabb, Villalpando, Walters, Zigrang

Inskeep – Aller, Julian (Drop this guy), Pelloni, Simmons, Thornton, Yosick

  1. Registration information – We’re doing this a week early so we maximize class time next week when we do our 5-man mechanics review, Semester = Fall, CRN = 5162G, Date Entered = 9/13, Total Attendance Hours = 02.5, Sports Officiating; Days = Wednesday, Times = 6:30-9:00, Location = Scripps Ranch. Instructors, please check info on front and back, and sign. Thank you!

  2. Test. Everyone takes the test with the exception of Tom Ables. That includes Ferguson and Coover, Sibbet, and all instructors. 80% is passing, 79% is not. If there is a question regarding interpretation of a test item and the official is one short, instructors are urged to use their best judgement. MAKE UPS: Coover and Ferguson will provide make up exams for the certified members who do not achieve the passing score starting with the 9/27 meeting. We will pull them out of class and provide the exam downstairs in the quad are (or some other suitable area).

Please correct the tests immediately, record the results in your roll book, and hand out the answers.

  1. Adjourn 8:30 after test.

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