Weekly Bull 8/7/02


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Attendance and CAV

  2. Announcements

  3. Food for Thought

  4. Questions 67 – 100 from the Federation Exam Part I

  5. “All But One” Enforcement Discussion

  6. Adjourn 8:30


  1. Special “Thanks” to the following officials for volunteering their time to meet with coaches during the coaches clinic:

  • Wednesday August 14th at 7:00 at Chula Vista HS Cafeteria – Korry Belmontez

  • Thursday August 15th at 6:00 at Valhalla HS Theater – Jim Sibbet

  • Monday August 26th at 6:30 at Escondido HS – Dave Garza

  1. Another “Thanks” to the following instructional leaders who will share their expertise at the mechanics positions meeting on September 18th.

  • Referee – John Freeman

  • Umpire – Gene Beck

  • Head Linesman & Line Judge – Scott Reilly & John Downing

  • Back Judge – Bob Duggan

  1. Scrimmage/Clinic assignments are out. Double check them.

Food for Thought (Preparation):

  1. Get in shape, stay in shape. The NFL is now enforcing a strict fitness criterion. It makes a difference when you look like the athletes you’re officiating.

  2. Have a good-looking uniform. New items should be bought periodically to replace worn and tired looking parts. Don’t forget to donate those pieces you are retiring to our new officials.

  3. Study. Here is an idea. Get up a half hour earlier each day for some rules study. House is quiet, mind is sharp, cup of coffee…you get the idea.

  4. Take the wife, family, girlfriend somewhere for the weekend or out to dinner, whatever, before the season starts. They give up a lot while we are out having a great time officiating.

  5. Make sure everything is OK with employer. Can’t have the Boss upset or wondering where you are on Friday afternoon.

  6. Transportation. Crew chief will not be happy if you come up with car troubles on the way to the game. Make sure you know how to get to the site, where to park, locker room, etc. Nothing is worse than running late and not be 100% sure or where you are going. Allow plenty of time. Traffic can be brutal.

  7. Communicate. Crew chiefs, assignment secretaries need to know what is going on.

Bull 8 7 02
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