Weekly Bull 7/6/22


A Federal Non Profit Tax Exempt Corporation – www.sdcfoa.org



  1. Introductions: Special Guests, Board Members, Crew Chiefs, Recruiting Committee, New 1st Year Members

  2. Message from the President – Terry Bernard

  3. Annual Reports: Executive Secretary Ed Zapolski; Treasurer Terry Thompson; Assignment Secretaries Tom Ables, Bob Duggan & Brad Cowan; Banquet Chair Bob Hood

  4. Awarding of patches to newly certified members – Don Carey, Jimmy Christensen, Ed Blick

  5. SDCFOA Youth Football Fund – Mike Downing & Jake Minger

  6. Welcome Back Presentation – “The Next One” by Don Carey, NFL

  7. Annual Report - Instructional Chair Steve Coover

  8. Adjourn to Classroom

2022 - New Rules:

1. Rule 1-3-3 The referee shall decide whether the ball meets specifications and the referee or any other game official may order the ball changed between downs.

Rationale: This rule proposal alleviates inconsistencies on when a new ball can be used and simplifies the language for game officials to use any referee approved legal ball during competition.  Many if not most game officials have been getting a new ball from the sidelines on long incomplete passes and other slow ball retrieval situations.

 2. Rule 1-4-3 Each player shall be numbered 0 through 99 inclusive.  Any number preceded by the digit zero such as “07” or “00” is illegal.

Rationale: With other NFHS sports allowing "0" to now be worn, manufacturers are selling this number option to our member schools and coaches.  Game officials and state associations are left to fight the battle of an illegal number that there really is no need to fight. 

3. Rule 2-3-8 Chop Block is a combination block by two or more teammates against an opponent other than the runner, with or without delay, where one of the blocks is low (below the waist) and one of the blocks is high (above the waist).

Rationale: With the blocking below the waist rule having to be immediate at the snap, this change would benefit officials in recognizing a block that is illegal and would also make it more clear for coaches to teach the legality of blocks. Furthermore, this also minimizes risk of injury, as an individual can just as easily suffer a hip or knee injury if the combination block is above the knee, but below the waist.  Technically, this is a definition change.

4. Rule 3-4-7 When a foul is committed with less than two minutes remaining in either half, the offended team will have the option to start the game clock on the snap.

Rationale: The current wording in Rule 3-4-7 can force teams to decide between clock management and penalty declaration.  There are situations where a team may want to decline a foul and still start the clock on the snap.  For example, Team B is trailing with 1:30 remaining in the game when on 3rd down A commits a holding foul and A is stopped short of the line to gain inbounds.  For B to start the game clock on the snap, they currently would have to accept A’s foul giving A at a minimum two more downs to run down the clock (assuming no change of possession on 3rd down).  B should be allowed to accept or decline the foul and still have the clock option. 

5. Rule 3-6-1a(1)e EXCEPTION Play clock and ready-for-play:

a. Play Clock:

1. 25 seconds will be on the play clock and start on the ready for play signal:

e. Following an official's time-out as in 3-5-7 or 3-5-10. 


2. 3-5-7e if initially related to a defensive player; and

3. 3-5-10 if initially related to a defensive player.

4. 3-5-7i if the defensive team is the only team to commit a foul.

Rationale: The defense is currently able to commit a foul in order to gain a 25-second play clock and gain a potential time advantage. This resolves the issue, by rule, by giving the offense a 40- second play clock when the defense is the only team to commit a foul.

6. Rule 7-5-2 EXCEPTION An illegal forward pass is a foul.  Illegal forward passes include:


1. It is legal for a player positioned directly behind the snapper to conserve time

by intentionally throwing the ball forward to the ground immediately after receiving the

snap that has neither been muffed nor touched the ground.

2. It is legal for a player to conserve yardage by intentionally throwing an incomplete forward pass if:

a)The player is, or has been, beyond the lateral boundaries of the free-blocking zone (as established at the snap) when the pass is released; and 

b)The forward pass reaches the neutral zone or beyond, including the area outside the field of play. There is no requirement for an eligible offensive receiver to be “in the area.”

(1.)  Should the passer fail to accomplish both a) and b), Intentional Grounding shall be considered.  PENALTY: 5 yards from spot of foul and loss of down.

(2.)  Should the passer achieve both a) and b), the down counts and the ball is placed at the previous spot.


1)  Allows additional safety for the passer.

2)  Allows the passer the opportunity to end the play without committing a foul.

3)  By utilizing this option, the offense gives up a down.

4)  The option is equally available to both teams when they are on offense

New Mechanics

1. Signaling on PATs and FGs - We will be instructing the officials under the goal posts on PAT and FGs, on the specifics of signaling.  If the kick is good, both will signal Good.  If the kick is wide of the goal posts, then only the official on that side signals No Good.  If the kick goes under the goal post, then only the official responsible for the crossbar signals No Good.  If the kick is obviously short then both officials can signal No Good.  In all cases, both officials step forward for the signaling, even if one of the officials is not responsible for making a signal.

2. Goal Line Mechanics – We all know that both flanks move immediately to the goal line when the ball is snapped from the 5-yard line or inside the 5-yard line.  But sometimes the ball is snapped outside of the 5-yard line and we are still needed at the goal line to make an important call at the pylon or goal line.  So, when the ball is snapped outside-the 5-yard line to the 10-yard line, and the run comes to your side of the field, you are now asked to work “in front” of that play and move to the goal line, wide of the pylon, so you can be at the goal line to make the call.  This is a new mechanic for us all and will take some time to master.  Start imagining different scenarios now!  Visualize how the play might develop and how you might anticipate the progress and get to the goal line. Maybe you have some plays in your library?  Remember, only up to the 10-yard line, and only when the play comes to your side of the field.  PS – It might be a pass play threatening your side!

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