SDCFOA Information Update 6-28-22

Chris Coyte Presentation – Below is a link to a 60 minute presentation by Chris Coyte, a referee in the PAC 12 and a friend of San Diego’s from Orange County.  He has contributed to our Mechanics and Philosophies Manual in the past and I think you’ll get one or two great ideas from spending time listening to this presentation.  Please skip the pleasantries at the beginning to get to the beginning of his talk.  Here is the link:
2022 Modified SDCFOA Meeting Schedule – AS you’ve heard, the CIF presented us with a $3 raise for 2022 and a $2 raise in 2023.  Given the current rate of inflation, plus the current cost of gas, it was clear that the offer was unacceptable.  One option would be to strike and not work football, but the board voted to not utilize that option at this time.  The second option was to work to the contract (nothing extra) and minimize costs to our officials so that we’re maximizing our income from working games.  So, to cut travel costs (gas) we’ve modified our meeting schedule as you can read below.  A copy of this Modified Schedule is also attached to this email.  Another copy is included in your packet which you will still pick up at our first meeting on Wednesday July 6th at 7:00 pm at the Mira Mesa High School Theater.  We will continue to meet in person on the dates that are in Bold but will meet via zoom on all other dates during the season (and including the Clinics).  We hope this saves you both time and money that you earn during your officiating this season!
Mira Mesa High School plus Zoom - All Meetings: 7:00 p.m.  (Instructors and Crew Chiefs Meet at 6:00 PM)
In order to be eligible for the 2023 draft and not lose game assignments (including the 2022 playoffs), all members must attend nine (9) meetings (includes your Position Clinic) and pass both the Rules Exam and Mechanics Exam.  Any exceptions must have Board approval.

Download Update Meeting Schedule

Modified MEETINGS 2022 1
Word – 37.5 KB 325 downloads