Weekly Bull 9/7/22

Only Crew Meetings This Week – We will be meeting next week September 14th.  If you want to have a crew meeting, then please feel free to do so.
Board Meeting – There will be a board meeting this Wednesday, September 7th at 6:30 pm via zoom.  If you’re interested in attending via zoom, please contact Ed Zapolski
Calendar Items:
Game Check Weekend – October 13 - 15
SDCFOA Golf Tourney and Banquet – Nov. 2
7-Man Workshop via Zoom – Nov. 16
CIF Semifinals & Open Division Championship at Snapdragon – Nov. 18
CIF 8-Man Championship – Nov. 19
CIF Finals – Nov. 25 & 26
CA State Regionals – Fri./Sat. Dec. 2 & 3
CA State Championships – Fri./Sat. Dec. 9 & 10
Alex Spanos All-Star Game – TBA
SD Sports Officials Hall of Fame Induction Dinner – Next Tuesday, September 13 at 6:00 pm at the Scottish Rite in Mission Valley.  Help us celebrate the induction of our own Sal Gambino (little league baseball and other sports) and John Ferguson (former Instructional Chair for SDCFOA and one of our all-time great officials and crew chiefs).  Ticket information at: http://www.sandiegosportsofficialshof.com/
Player Equipment – How are we doing?  Players and coaches seem to be understanding what we are enforcing and the anger level seems to be decreasing.  Biggest problems I’ve seen are the pants not covering the knees, face painted symbols, and streamers.  Always, always look for this to be corrected in pre-game, but if we see legal equipment not being worn properly, or adornments like face painting, send them off for one play.  Do not warn. Report huge problems to me.
Using Velcro to Change a Number - Vincent Memorial had a player #67 with velcro over parts of the #6 so he could turn it into a #87 to make him eligible. Not legal.
Visors – If you see a visor that is not clear in color, then it is illegal.  A pink or rainbow tinted visor is not legal.  Take the plain white side of your game card and place it behind the visor.  If it is clear, the card will look completely white.  If it’s tinted, the card will change in color or tint.
Shifting Linemen into the Backfield - Mar Vista shifts a lineman into the back-field from different formations leaving 4 legal numbers on the LOS. Coach said has had done it every game. 
Straddling the Sideline or End Line - When LOS officials make judgements on whether a receiver is in or out of bounds with a sideline catch in end zone, or a BJ at the end line, we still see officials make a movement to get near or straddle the line to observe the catch.  With today’s predominance of synthetic turf surfaces that are extremely well lined, there is no need to make this movement.  Better to stay a yard or even more, stationary as possible, less movement.   Being on a line is necessary and important on the goal line, where penetration of the plane is critical and great positioning will ‘sell’ the call.
Definitions – The Line of Scrimmage for each team is a vertical plane through the point of the ball nearest the team’s goal line. It is determined at the ready-for-play.  So, each team has a line of scrimmage on their side of the football.  The Neutral Zone on a regular scrimmage down, is the space between the two scrimmage lines. This Neutral Zone May Be Expanded following the snap up to a maximum of 2 yards behind the defensive line of scrimmage. 
Ineligibles Downfield - Ineligible A Players may not advance beyond the expanded neutral zone on a legal forward pass play before a legal forward pass that crosses the neutral zone is in flight. If B touches the pass in or behind the neutral zone, this restriction is terminated.
Swinging Gate Formation – If, while they are in the swinging gate, the kicking team has a player with a knee on the ground 7 yards or more behind the LOS, in position to be the holder and receive the long snap, and another player 3 yards or less behind that player in position to attempt a place kick; they are legally in a scrimmage kick formation and they are eligible for the numbering exception and the center is protected. If they run a play out of this legal scrimmage kick formation, then the pay will be legal but we must know the numbering exceptions in case a pass is thrown beyond the LOS.

Weekly Bull 9 7 22
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